Party Pt. 1

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When Austin had finally woken up he insisted that we go shopping for something sexy. I really didn't care. The party was at my house, I should be able to arrive in whatever I want. Either way, he somehow managed to drag me to the mall and we went into a ton of stores that he made me try on random outfits. Some where dresses, too tight for my liking, others were skirts with a shimmery top. He finally settled on a dress. It was very tight, but not as tight as the other ones he made me try on, so for that I was semi-grateful. Once he paid for it we left. I was certainly not paying for a dress I didn't even want to wear.

He went back to his own house, finally, to change. Amber and Kara showed up a few hours before the party to help set up. Austin showed up again, but just to set up because all the things he had ordered were being delivered. He was telling people where to place things. After a while some guy came up to the house with a few kegs of beer, another guy behind him had a few bottles of vodka, rum, captain Morgan and another bottle of something I didn't recognize.

"I think you guys have the wrong house." I said starting to shut the door.

"Nope you've got it. Hey guys thanks for bringing it." Austin said redirecting them to the kitchen. I quickly pulled him to the side.

"Austin! You never said anything about alcohol!"

"Riley, come on. Its a party. Did you think we were just going to hold hands and dance in circles singing Taylor Swift?"

I ignored him going back upstairs to the girls, who were already dressed in skirts and dresses like the other outfits Austin wanted me to get. They were excited to get me ready, meaning they would do my hair and makeup. After 2 painful hours they finished. I slid the dress on and walked out of my closet.

"You look amazing Riles." Amber said.

"Honestly" Kara agreed.

For the first time I looked myself in the mirror. I actually agreed with them. my hair was in a cute side-bun with curls falling out. My makeup looked good, it wasn't too much, but I liked it. And the dress, still not my favorite but I'll put up with it.


It's been probably 2 hours since the party started, and I haven't seen Austin once. I lost Amber and Kara to some random guys they thought were hot like a half hour ago. I was walking around the house pushing my way through all the sweaty teenagers that were grinding on each other. I finally got to the door wall and I stepped outside. The music immediately died down. There were still a few people outside but it was much quieter and not as hot. I sat down on a bench and took a deep breath.

I felt the seat move, and looked up to see Austin sitting down next to me.

"Some party huh?" He smiled.

"This is crazy and it's making me so nervous. What if someone breaks something?"

"I'll pay for all the damages."

I just sighed and stood up. "I should go find Amber and Kara"

I started to walk back inside when Austin shouted "by the way, you look hot."

My cheeks flamed up, but nonetheless I smiled. I walked back inside and closed the door. I went back up to my room and found a couple half naked on my bed.

I diverted my eyes "out!" I shouted.

They stood up putting their clothes back on and walking out giving me dirty looks as they walked by me.

I shut the door behind me and went into my bathroom. I took a deep breath and got myself a glass of water. I was rinsing out the glass when the door opened. I looked up and in the mirror I saw some random guy shut the door behind him.

"Get out" I said looking back down at the sink.

He didn't respond and I didn't hear the door open or close. I turned around and looked up only to come face to face with him. "I've been watching you all night, and I've got to say. For the girl that's hosting this party, you seem very stressed out." He came closer backing me against the counter.

"Back off." I said trying to push him, but I wasn't strong enough.

"Let me relieve you of your stress."

"Get away from me!" I screamed.

"Shhhh" he said covering my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand making him pull away in pain. I made a run for the door but he grabbed my waist pulling me back.

I felt the tears coming. I screamed again praying to god someone would hear my screams. "please, leave me alone." I cried.

"Be quiet, someone will hear us."

He was probably so drunk he didn't know what he was doing. I just wanted to punch him, but I knew if anything it would hurt me worse.

I screamed again, when he pinned me against the wall clawing at the top of my dress. He started kissing my neck and I screamed again, trying to push him away for the millionth time. Finally, the door flew open. "HELP ME!!" I shouted.

"Hey asshole, stay away from her." I heard Austin's voice as he pulled the guy off of me. I saw Austin throw one punch before I ran out of the bathroom. In my room Amber and Kara were waiting for me.

"Are you okay?" They asked at the same time.

"" I cried. He could have raped me if it weren't for Austin.

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