¿New Job?

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I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out the carton of chocolate milk and poured myself a glass just as my mom walked into the kitchen.

"Mom, and Amber and Kara come over later?"

"Have you gotten a job?"


"Then no."

"Mom what the heck? You can't keep me locked in here until I get a job!"

"Well, as soon as you get a job then you can do whatever you want."

"But I'm not even asking you for money."

"It doesn't matter, you still need a job. it's a good way to learn responsibilities."

She gave me a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'm doing this out of love."

"Yeah right." I muttered as she walked out.

I took my milk and went to the living room. I sat down and turned on the tv. The first thing to come on was spongebob and I didn't feel like changing it.

A few minutes into it the doorbell rang. I didn't make a move to go get it until it rang again and my mom shouted "Riley please grab the door."

"Ughhhhh" I groaned standing up.

I opened the door to face Austin Maze. He was the most popular guy in school. Why would he be standing in my doorstep?

"Austin? Uhh, hi"

"You know my name?" He asked shocked.

Of course he would think that some nobody like me had absolutely no life I didn't even know the kids I've been going to school with since kindergarten.

"Yes I know your name, everyone knows your name."

"Look I need a favor." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"What? Do you want some money, maybe a car ride somewhere, oh do you want all my homework and notes?"

"Well yeah that would be great." He smiled.

"Yeah no, I was joking."

"Why not?"

"Please, you don't need them, get one of your groupies to do it."

"What, no"

"I'm not giving you my stuff, do you even know my name? You have no clue who I am do you? Wow shocker-"

"Would you just shut the hell up for a minute?"


He gave me an annoyed glare.


Another glare. I stopped talking.

"This is a weird question, but would you tutor me?"

"Tutor you? In what? Life?"

"No in school...damn someone is in their period."

"I'm not on my period my moms just on my case to get a job."

"I'll pay you. Does that make it a job?"

"I guess?"

"Thanks I owe you one."


He turned around and walked away. I guess that was it. I got a job. I shut the door with a smile on my face. This meant I could do anything now. I raced to my moms room.

"Mom I got a job, can Amber and Kara come over now?"

"How did you manage to get a job so quickly?"

"You know Austin from across the street? He asked me to tutor him and he said he would pay me."

"Really? That's great sweetheart." she smiled hugging me. "but what about when it's summer? And he doesn't need you anymore?"

"I'll worry about that when the time comes."

"Okay, yes they may come over. But I have a meeting so I won't be home, don't do too much damage."

I smiled running to the phone.

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