Make Ups

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Riley had left me at school without saying a word. I guess I really pissed her off. I felt bad that I got her into trouble. It was my fault anyways. When I got home I set my stuff down and was about to go over to her house when my dad walked in.

"Where are you going?" He asked. He was already drunk and it wasn't even late.


"You two have been hanging out an awful lot lately."

"Yeah so? She's my tutor."

"She's pretty."

"Dad watch it." I glared at him.

"What? She is!" He said. I didn't want him to do anything to her. He was always drunk and he wouldn't know what he's doing.

"I'm leaving."

"Hey, don't you walk away from me boy." he said grabbing my arm. He swung me around and punched me right in my gut. I could take a hit from my dad, but this wasn't good. If I don't leave now who knows what else he will try. I managed to get my arm loose, I turned around and punched right in the face knocking him out. Then I ran for that door.

My side hurt a bit but I could take it. I walked up and banged on Riley's door.

"Let me in Riley. We need to talk."

No answer.

"Riley! I know you're in there."

No answer.

"If you don't open this door in 10 seconds I'm breaking it down."

I heard footsteps coming and the door opened. Her eyes looked all puffy like she'd been crying. I hope I didn't make her cry. I already feel bad enough.

"What do you want Austin?" She asked, her voice sleepy. Maybe that's why her eyes were puffy, it made sense since she had on pajamas and her hair all messed up.

"I wanted to say sorry."

"Yeah okay. Are you done now?"


She started to close the door until I put my foot inside stopping it from closing.

"Austin move your foot. I just want to go back to sleep." she whined.

"Can I come in?"


"Why not?"

"I'm tired. And you're aggravating me."

"C'mon Riley, please."

"Go home."

"I can't."

"Why not?" She asked curiously.

"My dads in one of his moods." meaning he is drunk.


"Yeah, but I'll just go to Nicks." I said turning to walk away.

"Wait." she said. The door opened up again so I could see her face. "come on."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. We can watch a movie or something."

"No studying?"

"I'm too sleepy and you don't have your books."

I smiled and ran back into her house. I went to the living room and she gave me a basket with DVDs in them. I picked out a ton of movies that she turned down. We finally agreed on Pitch Perfect. She went to the kitchen and made some popcorn. She came back in and turned off the lights handing me the bowl.

She sat down next to me and started eating some popcorn. The movie was alright. I've seen it a few times before. Every time I watch it, it grows on me. Near the end of the movie I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked down and noticed Riley fast asleep on my arm. I went back and watched the rest of the movie. When it finally ended I got up and turned off the TV. I figured Riley would want to sleep in her bed. I went over and picked her up. She weighed almost nothing. Damn, she must never eat. Or she works out like crazy.

I got to her room and set her down in her bed. I pulled a blanket over her. I smiled down at her. She looked so cute. I ignored my mind and went back downstairs. I didn't want to go home so I decided to sleep on the couch.


"Ahhhhhh" I heard an ear piercing scream.

I jumped up, my eyes wide open. I saw Riley standing there with her hand over her heart.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You sleeping on my couch. Why didn't tell me you were sleeping over. I thought you were some random stranger."

"Well you fell asleep and I didn't really want to go home so..."

"It's cool."

"So what time is it?" I asked.


"It's only 10?"

"Uhh yeah?"

She came over and sat down on the couch. She grabbed the remote and turned on spongebob. I laid back down and shut my eyes. I wanted to sleep in so I wouldn't be tired for the party tonight.

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