Sometimes all you need is your boyfriend

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Soda- 15
Steve- 15
Soda's POV:
Today was a bad day for me, my brothers went to play football so I had the house to myself. I put on a hoodie and sweatpants, I felt ugly today. I went on the couch and lied down, turning on the tv. I curled into a ball. Sadness filling me. I wish I was more attractive. I wish I looked better, and had better hair. I wish I wasn't me.

I didn't even realize that I was sobbing or that Steve had walked in.

"What's wrong?" He sat down beside me, bringing into his chest as he played through my hair.

"I-I so ugly, Steve." I threw my arms around my boyfriend, sobbing into his chest.

"What are you talking about, Prince?" His voice was calm and sweet.

"I have my shaggy black hair, and I'm so skinny I look like a twig, my nose is shaped weird, and literally everyone else looks better than me." I sob, I hate myself.

Why did I have to be Sodapop Curtis?

"I love your black hair it's soft, I think you have a strong build, you look tough, I usually wish my nose was shaped like yours, and I think your the best looking one wherever I go." He's being dead serious, so I stop crying because I know he's not lying right now.

All I have to say back is, "I love you Steve Curtis." I giggle.

His face goes red at the name. "I love you too Sodapop Randle." He smirks.

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