Truth or Disgusting (smut)

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Steve- 21
Soda- 21
Soda's POV:
Me and Steve decided to play a game with each other, like we were when we were kids. Except, nothing about it was for kids...

"Truth or Dare?" I question.

"Dare." He grins.

I smirk while I think, "I dare you to sit in my lap, facing me." He gets up doing so, his face already red.

"Truth or dare?" He stares in my eyes. 

"Truth." I tilt my head slightly.

He bends down to whisper in my ear, "Is it true that you want to bend me over until I don't walk tomorrow?~" his voice sounds like he's trying to to whimper, as his cock rubs slightly against mine.

I give his neck a small kiss, "yes." I smile.

"Truth or dare, Steve?"

"Dare." He smiles.

"I dare you to let me get your vibrator, and control it as we play this game." He say slyly.

He looks happy, but rolls his away.

"Ugh whatever." He gets off of me, and I go get.
He stands up pulling down his pants, and I lube up the vibrator sliding it into his ass. He pulls his pants up, and we go back to sitting the same way we were before.  

"Truth or Dare, Soda?" He asks in a way that kind of scares me.

"Dare." I challenge.

"I dare you to take off your shirt, and let me play with your nipples." My face goes red and my nipples get hard. This game is about to escalate quickly.

I turn up his vibrator, seeing his breath hitch. I take off my shirt, his fingers twirling along my nipples.

I turn his vibrator up higher, he moans his hips rolling. I whimper not being able to contain the pleasure that I'm feeling.

I turn Steve's vibrator up higher, until he can't stop moaning, and his hips are bucking into mine.

"Uhn~ Steve~ Uhn I want my clothes off uhn~" I whine. We start taking each others clothes off, and I pull out his vibrator, replacing it with my throb.

He bounces on my cock, until our moans are uncontrollable.

"Uhn~ cumming~ I'm cumming~" I arch my back shooting my seed into his beautiful ass, his cum splattered onto my chest, and he got off of me. Wiping it with a shirt.

We gave each other a tired hug. I love game nights.

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