Sex fixes anxiety (smut)

942 5 18

Soda- 19
Steve- 19
Soda's POV:
I haven't seen Steve all day, and it's shooting my anxiety through the roof. The voices in my head are eating me alive.

He left you.

Your ugly.

Why did you think ever wanted your ass?

He fucking some girl...

That's why your only friend is your brother.

They laughed.

All of them, I don't know who they are. And I'm not sure I want to... but they're laughing. They're laughing at my hurt. They're making my head hurt, I want them gonna, but instead they're laughing, and they're talking to each other, plotting against me.

I plug my ears and squeeze my eyes shut, panic overwhelming me. Fuck. My breaths are coming in to fast, so I'm in my bed squirming. Hoping they'll go away.

"Please, I swear he loves me..." I begged for them to be wrong, as I cried. I was sweating now.

He doesn't love an ugly slut like you. Your better of dead... they laughed again.

"No, I'm not." I sobbed, "he always said he loved me he. He has to, right? He's my boyfriend, he doesn't want me dead, right?" I was still shaking, breathing was way to hard, I feel like I'm drowning.

Go f-

"Soda?" Please let this really be him.

I sobbed harder, squeezing my eyes until they hurt.

I felt his warmth wrap around me, "it's me, so open you eyes and turn around hun, you need to breath."

I did as I was told and threw my arms around him panting, he rubbed my back until I was breathing again.

He pulled me up and gave me a kiss. "It's me beautiful." He smiled.

I kissed him again, I love him so much. I don't know what I would do if the voices in my head were ever true.

Soon he was over me, and we were making out. He had found a sensitive spot on my neck, and was grinding down on me and the same time. My moans getting uncontrollable, I wanted my clothes off and a dick up my ass. I'm so horny.

He pulled away and I whimpered, "what a horny baby?~ He wants to be pleasured so bad~" He pouts.

I can't stop squirming, my grip on the bed sheets under me getting tighter.

"You look so needy? Like you need a daddy." I felt my back arch when he said that. I want to be his good baby so bad. I want to feel good, I want daddy to control me.

His hand went down my pants, and rubbed at my tip. I shook with pleasure not being able to hold it in, "Daddy~ please~" my head went back as I moaned.

He pulled his hand out, "words baby, what do you want?~" he whispered.

"I want you i-inside me daddy~" I whined.

"How come? That's very naughty from a good boy like you~" he smiles.

I stick my hand down my pants and finger myself until I'm moaning, I want pleasure so bad. My cock feels so full.

He takes my hand my pants, "words~" he demands.

"I'm horny daddy~ I'm so very horny~ my cock feels full~ and I want yours in me~" I whine.

"See now I can give your what you want." He smiles removing our clothes.

"Can I baby?"

"Yes Daddy please~" I feel his huge, warm, cock slide into me.

He speeds up quickly and the waves of pleasure hit me like a car. I feel myself go warm.

"Uhn~! Daddy I have to cum~" I warn.

"Cum hun~" he gives me one last thrust until we both explode in cum, and he falls beside me.

"I love you so much." I pant.

"I love you too." He starts slipping away on my chest. I'm tired too.

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