Chapter 4 - Mr. Knight

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𓄂"Don't be afraid to be afraid

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"Don't be afraid to be afraid. Have fear, and then conquer the shit out of it."
·.·.·.·.⊹✩✧ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✧✩⊹.·.·.·.·

"Jackal! Jackal, jackal!" Steven shrieked, but Layla still couldn't see what he was seeing. There was the sound of thunderous footsteps, before an invisible impact sent Steven flying through the window behind him. If Layla didn't believe there was a Jackal before, she certainly did now. Steven briefly rolled along the roof before falling to what would likely be his death.

Somewhere in his head, Khonshu yelled "Summon the suit!" and Steven wondered how in the bloody hell did Marc ever learn to summon it himself with how vague the god tended to be. He didn't linger on the thought for long, though, as he was rapidly approaching a metal pole. His forehead smacked into it harshly, releasing a loud thunk. Fortunately, it only hurt for a moment before the pain almost magically disappeared. Unfortunately, Steven was still falling. He flailed his arms around as the ground got closer and closer, and soon he was past the point of being able to land safely. Or so he thought. Steven wasn't quite sure how his body knew to instinctively contort to land kneeling on one knee, with his fist on the ground for support. He toppled over almost immediately, as he lost focus wondering how it was possible that he hadn't just died. When he stood up and faced the glass door behind him, he got his answer. There he stood, clad in a fancy pure white fitted suit with his very own skin tight mask, complete with glowing eyes.

"Oy, Steven, what the hell are we wearing?" Marc judged not so silently, raising his hands in disbelief from the reflection.

"I don't know? She said I needed a suit."

"Yeah, the ceremonial armor from Khonshu's temple, not psycho Colonel Sanders."

"Well, I think I look sharp..." Steven mumbled, adjusting his tie. Suddenly, a Jackal fell directly on top of Steven, causing Marc to jump a little. Using the upper hand to it's advantage, the beast lifted him up in it's jaws and flung him through a nearby wooden gate. Steven conveniently landed in front of Layla, who must have made her way down from the second floor. Still a little sore from being tossed around, Steven gripped onto a nearby car bumper to help himself up, only to rip it clean off, bending the metal in the process.

"You look...different," Layla said, a little flustered. Not that she'd ever admit it. She was quickly brought back to the moment when Steven began to be dragged around. Again. Layla still couldn't see the Jackal, but wanted to help regardless. She was surprised when she rushed up to him and Steven shoved her away, shouting at her to stay away from him. She was almost offended, but understood when Steven's body began lifting into the air, seemingly on it's own. His hands clawed desperately at the invisible grip that was constricting his airway. Any normal person would have watched the situation helplessly, frozen in fear, but if there was one thing that Layla El-Faouly was not, it was helpless. She picked up an empty glass bottle and threw it directly at the area in front of Steven. It shattered on impact, which successfully caused the Jackal to drop Steven. Unfortunately, it was now after Layla. It picked her up by her legs and she flailed around in it's gasp. Steven, now panicking, grabbed the largest object that was nearby and swung it as hard as he could at the Jackal. It easily reached out a claw and caught it mid swing, ripping it from his hands and smacking him with it, sending him to the ground. At least it dropped Layla.

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