Chapter 2: I graduate as 1st pick?

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The moment my name was called it felt as if my heart dropped all the way to my stomach. Everyone looked at me and I went into shock and panic at the same time. Shocked that I was called as the first pick and panicked about how I would look in front of everyone. I didn't really have any family to cheer on for me but people still cheered on for me anyway. My friends looked at me extremely shocked, I mean they all said that I would probably end up in the South or the West, and I was even convinced of that too. I thought I would be at the very bottom of the list or not even called at all and sent to the roster to wait 5 months before getting recruited by a division, but I was number number 1...the number one NGO prospect. After a few seconds of shock and contemplation I got up. People clapped for me and I even saw Anna clapping. Well I mean she knew who I was and I was in her class but still it did really mean a lot that she clapped. My friends were cheering for me too. One of them even said "THAT'S MY BOY" But still I was very confused, I was pretty smart but I wasn't good at combat or guns or anything, so how would I be first pick? I walked up to the stage to grab my graduate diploma and shake the commissioner's hand. Now was the time for the division selecting me to be announced. I was very nervous since if I got the west or anything it would be really embarrassing. I saw the 4 leaders of the 4 divisions sitting down at the very front row seats, each of them with a big smile, but I felt some strong energy and presence from those guys. The commissioner then announced and said "Ezra Jackson has been recruited by the North Division." Again I was surprised, I thought I'd land a place in the west or south or something, but I got a place in the North. But it was just the North that I had gotten recruited to. The audience was clapping but I could see that they were expecting more, like since I was the number 1 prospect all of the divisions would want to recruit me but only one did, it was a bit odd but I didn't think about that at that moment. I looked over at my friends and I could see that they were just as shocked as I was, after all we all believed that I wouldn't get into such a good division let alone be the number 1 prospect for the NGO. And I'm pretty sure everyone in my class was just as shocked because a no life bozo like me was chosen before Anna, the smartest and most talented person in the class. After the audience was done clapping I stood next to the commissioner to take a picture with my diploma. This picture was probably going to make it on the internet or something, showing the number 1 prospect of the NGO. I went back to my seat and the next person was announced.

As I sat down in my seat I sat down now knowing that probably the whole world knows my name now since this was televised. But most important of all, the girl of my dreams finally recognized me, and who knows maybe she might actually talk to me. The second and third picks were announced, the second one was recruited by the North and the South divisions and had to choose between them. The third guy was recruited by the South and the East. Then came the 4th person who was recruited by the East, West, and South. I wasn't really paying attention since those guys were a bunch of random intelligent people from other academies. At the 5th person who was only the number 3 prospect on the NGO list it was the second person from our academy and that was Annalynn Yancy.

Yeah so she was actually a rich person and came from a rich family. I never knew her full name was Annalynn though. Even though she was the 5th person she was the 3rd on the NGO prospect list, I'm still surprised that I came before her. When she walked up to the stage to take her diploma everyone was clapping and cheering, I felt like my friends expected me to cheer louder or something, but I wasn't gonna do it regardless. When she stood to take her picture she smiled again, man she looked so beautiful. After she took her picture, it was announced that she was recruited by all 4 divisions, and she would have to choose 1. This came as a shock since the last person to get recruited by all 4 divisions was 10 years ago. She was truly a talent that everyone had wanted. But I wanted her the most. I found myself praying a short prayer that she would choose the North division so that we could be in the same division together and I could maybe still have a chance with her. After Anna had gone back to her seat things kinda went speedy for me at least. I wasn't paying attention but most of my friends were in the top 100 at least. Trey surprisingly was only recruited by the South, and he was so confident that he'd go to the North. Jalen was recruited by the East and West, we all know which one he's choosing. Jerry was recruited by the East. Most of my friends were recruited by good divisions. However what made me really excited was that Finn had been recruited by the North. This was really good news for me cause that would mean we would spend more time together, and he was my best friend and the guy who related to me the most. We were excited that we could fight along together in the same division. Most of my classmates were recruited by either the South or the East. Even the really smart and athletic ones. Ethan had been recruited by the East, which is a place where he can fit the best. After a few hours the graduation and the selection had finished. I walked out proud of myself but still confused. Some of my classmates even asked me how I was the number one prospect. I told them I didn't know to be honest.

After the graduation we were all sent to the cafeteria even though it was already 8 something. We would have to be briefed and congratulated by our teachers. Honestly the only teacher I'm gonna miss would be Professor Drake. He was a nice teacher and often gave me multiple chances. He didn't give up on me like all the other teachers, and he had a good attitude as well. Once our whole class was gathered in the cafeteria we just had to wait for the teachers to get ready and all that stuff. I saw Anna and her friend Sarah talking. Sarah is like her best friend, they've been together for as long as I can remember. Sarah is a nice girl too. She's also pretty just like her friend although I liked Anna more of course. I decided that I wanted to talk to Anna but I really couldn't since her and her friend were probably talking about boys or something or whatever girls talk about. Though I guess I could say I was kind of jealous of Sarah, she had Anna as her best friend and they were really close, they weren't like me and Finn. What do they call them? Oh yeah besties, those two were besties. I really wish me and Anna were close or could talk more. The fact is I don't have the balls to talk to her, I always fumble the bag when I'm around her, and can't even talk to her.

Well when the teachers said their speeches and congratulated us and said they were proud to teach us, Professor Drake had called me over. It was at the end of everything and when everyone was about to leave. "Ezra, do you have a minute?" He said in his British teacher's voice. "Yeah sure, what's up?" I said. "Well I'm very proud of you, I'm proud that you were the number one prospect for the NGO. Even though you aren't good at guns or combat, just know that there will always be something you're good at. Maybe the North recruited you not for your combat experience but for your potential" "You think so?" I replied in a mood filled with unbelief. I figured he was just probably saying that stuff to try and make me feel better but it really didn't. I knew I wasn't talented, I was just smart and got carried by my smarts. "I don't think so, I know so" he said in a bold way. "You have a bright future ahead of you, just don't forget all that I taught you. I think you can make an excellent fighter" How could I make an excellent fighter if I couldn't even fight well. Yeah whenever I hold a gun I can't even aim it properly and I'm not as combatively talented as the others in my class. "Well Ezra good luck with life, I hope to see you one day" he said. "Thanks Professor Drake." He walked away with his hand bag leaving only me there. The sun was about to set but I saw Anna standing at one of the bike rails looking at her phone. This time she wasn't with any of her friends, she was alone, and no one was really there too. This could be my chance, I thought to myself. So I decided to walk up to her, "Hey Anna" I said in a rather soft tone. She looked up from her phone, and replied "Oh hey Ezra" My heart dropped once again, she had actually remembered my name and the way she said it, it really stuck in with me. "So what are you doing?" I said kind of awkwardly, she could probably notice the awkwardness in my voice but I really didn't care at the time, I was just too lost in her eyes to even be self aware of what I was saying. "Oh nothing much" she replied. "So you got recruited by all 4 divisions huh?" I said, trying to start a little small talk. "Yeah I did, and you got into the North Division and you were the number one prospect." "Yeah, I don't really know how, I mean I failed most of my physical and weapon exams. So which division are you gonna choose?" "Honestly I don't know," she replied. I almost wanted to say to her that you should choose the North Division but then I stopped myself, I would have come off as creepy and desperate. But I had loved her so much I didn't want her to leave my life, honestly seeing her face everyday was what kept me going. I then saw a navy blue honda pull up, the car had honked. "Oh there's my mom," she said. "Oh" I said, sounding very disappointed. "Well see you later Ezra" she said in the most beautiful tone I had ever heard. If I didn't know better I would say that she was interested in me. But that's probably what every boy thinks when their crush talks to them. Once she entered her mother's car and they had driven off it was just left with me. Now I had to walk home. Though I felt excited, I actually talked to my crush for the first time and who knows, I probably might have convinced her to join the North Division. Either way things were looking good for me, I was going to enter the best division and I managed to impress my crush.

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