Chapter 5: We fight against the captains

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We all moved into our unit and the unit was split into 2 sections, the boys quarters and the girls quarters. Both quarters had their own bathroom and there was one kitchen in between both quarters. There was also one living room for both quarters. 
The place was a pretty nice place and it was definitely better than what places like the west had to offer even though I've never seen the units in the west. 
After moving in and unpacking our stuff we were called outside for some sort of training. All of the groups were called outside. 
This time it wasn't just the whole raid squad called outside but it was the whole Division. All 5 captains along with the North leader were standing in front facing everyone. "We've gathered you all here today to assess your individual skills." Luke said. "You will be given 4 tests, accuracy test, speed test, skills test, and intelligence test. The intelligence test will be a written exam." I already knew I was passing the intelligence test, but I was worried about the other tests, especially the accuracy test. But it's not like if we fail the tests they would kick us out, they would probably just have to give us extra training and more attention. "We will start with the skills test, for this test you must show your skills and defeat each of the 5 captains. If you defeat a captain you pass, if you fail to defeat a captain before the timer runs out you fail." So this meant that only 5 people could pass since there were 5 captains. I for sure didn't want to fight any of them. 

The 5 Captains of the North Division

Captain Jake

Squad: Shooting Squad

Age: 24

Height: 6'5

Rank: 4-star NGO soldier

Captain Johnny

Squad: Sniper squad

Age: 31

Height: 6'0

Rank: 3 star NGO soldier

Captain Ezekiel

Squad: Tactical Squad

Age: 19

Height: 6'1

Rank: 3-star NGO soldier

Captain Hannah

Squad: Raid squad

Age: 19

Height: 5'6

Rank: 5-Star NGO soldier

Captain Jalen

Squad: Destroyer Squad

Age: 27

Height: 5'9

Rank: 3-star NGO soldier

These guys were all very strong, the ones I wanted to avoid the most where Captain Jake and of course Captain Hannah. Of course we could work together to defeat them but only one person could take that victory. Each of the captains would have this red tag on them and we would have to make that tag turn green. 
The time had started and we had about 30 minutes to hunt down the captains. All of the captains went into hiding waiting for us recruits to find them. Before I knew it everyone went, no one wanted to work together. It was just left with me and my group. "We should work together" Finn said. "But only one of us can pass" Jay said. "Well that's alright" I said trying to reassure everyone. "We have to watch out for certain captains, but the ones we really have to watch out for is Captain Jake and Captain Ezekiel" Ariana said. Looks like someone did their homework. "Captain Jake has the brawn and Captain Ezekiel is very intelligent despite his young age." Yeah she definitely studied the captains, she probably knew we were going to face them in a test like this. "We should start moving" Anna said. We all started running towards the forest where everyone had gone. We all had been given laser guns, we could try to sneak up on a captain or tag them from far away. I know that's what the people in the sniper squad where probably going to do. "What's up kids" a loud voice said. The voice echoed and Captain Jake jumped down from the trees. The ground shook a little bit. His massive body scared us, especially Finn. Ariana and Anna jumped back. Jay decided to shoot the laser but Jake dodged it. "You're gonna have to try better than that" Finn started rapidly firing, but Jake went through them with ease. Anna rushed behind him and pulled out a small dagger to try and get the target. Jake turned around and moved out of the way and Anna crashed into a tree. "Anna, are you okay?" I said. However I let my guard down and Jake attacked me. He punched me and sent me flying a couple of miles. "Rule number one, never let your guard down," he said. 
Jay had relocated to a tree top and aimed right at Jake's target, he was turned around too. He shot the laser but Jake turned around and dodged. Jake decided not to deal with Jay yet and decided to get rid of Finn. Finn was too scared to do anything, his body was frozen. Just as Jake was about to let off the same monstrous punch that sent me flying Ariana came in and pushed Finn out of the way. "Caught me two birds" he said. His fist started radiating with energy and punched the living hell out of the ground. The ground exploded and Ariana and Finn were sent flying. Jay fired more shots but Jake had disappeared. With his extreme speed Jake was already behind Jay and tapped him on the shoulder. Jay had the living hell scared out of him and fell off the tree by himself. Anna got back up and I finally made my way back to the spot where we were fighting. It was just me and Anna left, I was pretty sure Jay got knocked unconscious.
"Two more left huh" Jake said. "We need a plan" Anna said. "I got left you go right" I said. It was a dumb strategy, I know, but it was our only choice. Anna also didn't know what to do. The thing is, we lacked experience, so she went ahead with what I said and went to the left while I went to the right. I ran over to Jake's right and started shooting the laser gun but he dodged the shots. I tried grabbing him, yeah pretty stupid. He just elbowed me to the jaw. I was bleeding, Anna wanted to look back and help me out but she couldn't as she was about to get attacked as well. She took her dagger lying on the ground and stabbed Jake with it. "Hey, that kinda hurt" he said jokingly. I know it didn't hurt. He pushed Anna away and got the dagger out of his skin and threw it to the ground. Now we could do two things, I distract him and Anna touches the target or run for it. Where was Finn and Ariana when you needed them though? They were probably somewhere making out or something, that's what I really wanted to do with Anna after this battle. 
I wiped the blood of my mouth and went over to Anna to tell her the plan, but Jake wasn't gonna wait around. He punched the ground again sending a huge shockwave. Me and Anna were taken off our feet and fell to the ground, I guess we would have to run. I didn't want Jay to get hurt any further so I put him over my back and started running. Anna was right there with me. Jake was fast, incredibly fast, he caught up to us in no time and we couldn't do anything. Anna decided to let herself be a sacrifice. "Go! I'll handle him" she said. I ran even faster as I felt very bad for just leaving her after all it was supposed to be me protecting her not her protecting me. 
Anna had lost her laser gun and dagger, she was weaponless. As Jake was going to charge in to punch her, in a flash I saw a tall young man appear with his blade and blocked off Jake's punch. "Ezekiel?" Jake said in confusion. "Why are you helping them?" "And why are you trying to hit a woman" he said. I looked back to see what was happening back there and I was a little confused on why 2 captains were fighting. The instant I turned back I stumbled on a rock. I fell down and dropped Jay. 
Anna was on the ground frozen, she didn't know what to do at that moment. The two captains started arguing. "If you wanna fight, then just say so" Jake said. "I don't want to fight you, it would be an easy win" Ezekiel said. This pissed of Jake. "Oh really?" It had looked like they were about to start fighting or something and Anna was right in the middle of it. I got back up and started running towards them, I didn't know what I was doing. In my mind I saw this as an opportunity to get one of their tags and pass. So I rushed towards them and tried to tag Jake's tag, he saw me coming and punched me away. I fell to the ground. This time I was bleeding out of my head. "Hey aren't you that number one prospect kid?" Ezekiel said like he discovered something. I was too injured on the ground to say anything. "Ezra!" Anna said as she rushed over to me. "Get out of here," I said trying to sound heroic or something. I really wasn't. I was almost a 100% sure we couldn't beat these guys even if our lives depended on it. "Jake, let the boy fight me" Ezekiel said. "What?! No way! I found him first" Jake sounded greedy, but I don't think I was ready to take another beatdown from Jake. 
"You can have the other ones, but just let me take this one" "Fine" Jake said. Ezekiel was tall, dark skinned and had a scar over his right eye. He looked like he was in a lot of fights despite being so young. He pulled out his katana and said "Fight me, kid." "No, Ezra! You can't, you don't stand a chance" Anna warned" No matter how much I wanted to listen to her I just didn't. I got up and I told Anna to run away and that she would she Jay lying down on the same route that I was running on. Anna didn't want to but she eventually did. She was worried about me and she didn't want to leave me on my own to fight. 
I decided to throw my first punch. Ezekiel blocked it with his palm. I then threw some more punches and each of them he dodged. He sighed and said "I guess I don't need this" He put his katana back in his sheath. I threw a lot more punches but he either blocked them or dodged them. He kicked me in the stomach which hurt a lot. As I grabbed my stomach in pain he punched me in the face causing more blood. I fell to the ground. "I thought you were stronger than this," he said, sounding disappointed. I got back up to try again. This time he took out his whole katana from his waistband and threw it to me. "Use this" he said. I wasn't good with swords but it didn't matter to me at that moment. Jake was just watching probably trying not to laugh. 
I pulled out the katana from its sheath and dropped the sheath on the ground. The katana's blade was black and had some sort of ancient writings on it. I actually thought at that moment that the katana was cursed and I would get cursed by it or something. I didn't care though, I needed everything I could use to help me pass this. I dashed toward Ezekiel and swung the katana at him. He dodged and pulled and even smaller sword from his pocket. It was a dagger. Somehow with his dagger he was able to easily block my sword slashes. We clashed blades, he saw right through my next swing, avoided it and used is dagger to stab me right in the chest. He must have been self-aware since he deliberately avoided my vital organs. I went back a little but I didn't want to give up yet, so I charged back this time and made a stabbing motion with the katana. He blocked the blade and slashed my chest, blood went everywhere and I felt that it had left a mark. 
I fell to the ground just before I could get up he held the small dagger to my neck. "You should give up" he said. I felt embarrassed that I was taken down with ease by just a small dagger. He had left a huge scar going across my chest and it hurt like hell. I made up my mind, I decided that it was pointless to fight. He was way stronger than me. 
The time had run out and the buzzer which was all the way at the HQ sounded. It was heard throughout all the forest. "Aw man! Done so soon?" Jake said. 
Some time had passed, and everyone had gathered back at HQ, it turned out that no one was able to successfully tag any of the captains, so it meant that everyone failed. I mean what were the higher ups thinking? We were all newbies facing off against people who were extremely experienced and have been in many battles before. I know they wanted to test out our current strength level and battle IQ but still. The people who were knocked out were taken to the Division hospital to be taken care of. I saw Jay on one of the stretchers. 
I looked around and almost everyone was hurt in some way. I thought that I had the worst injuries but this kid lost his whole arm. The captains really didn't go easy on us. 
We were given the rest of the day to take a rest, some people were probably not going to participate in any of the tests. I could tell that people were probably going to leave the division too. 
I had left the division hospital with white bandages wrapped all over my chest. Ezekiel's dagger had left a mark on me physically and emotionally. I hadn't felt this bad about myself ever. I could tell that Anna was also feeling disappointed as well, but Finn was probably the most saddest looking out of all of us. He felt so bad that he couldn't do anything and that he just froze. Ariana was also sad that she went down early, and Jay also felt ashamed of getting knocked out so easily. 
We all went back to our unit and there was just silence. Everyone was disappointed and I went to the bedroom to lay on my bed. I saw Finn on his bed, he was just on his phone and Jay was fast asleep. I closed my eyes awaiting the next day to come. I wanted to forget about everything that happened today and just sleep. 

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