Chapter 4: My First Day at the North

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During the few weeks I had before my first day, I decided to binge some shows and play a lot more video games, all while still practicing Austin's training. The day finally came, it was September 5th. I was very nervous and anxious. I was basically starting a new chapter in my life.

I set out early and arrived at the headquarters early. When I arrived, I was escorted to the main hall where they would tell me which squad, I would be in. "You are Ezra Jackson?" The desk person said. "Yes," I answered. "Ah yes, you are recruit number 4 for the raid squad." I was extremely surprised that I got into the raid squad. I didn't even know what they did in the raid squad but all hope wasn't lost for me being in the same squad with Anna. I was still a little worried but not as worried.
I was sent to a room where I would wait for the rest of the recruits to arrive. I opened the door and there was a bunch of chaos. It was this boy and girl fighting over some toy. "It's mine!" the boy shouted. "No! It's mine" the girl shouted. They looked like teenagers around my age but were acting like little kids. I felt like I was invisible in the room, those two didn't even bother to notice me. After a while of arguing, this tall slim guy came in the room to stop them. "Hey!" he shouted at them. "Stop fighting!" The two immediately stopped. "Tell her to give me back my bb gun!" the boy said. "No it was mine!" the girl shouted. I was surprised that those kids were playing with bb guns, that gun didn't even look like a bb gun, it looked like a toy gun. "How did you guys get a hold of that?!" the guy scolded. "Give it to me now!" the two decided to give up and handed it over to him. Now go back to your rooms, this place is for the new recruits. The two headed outside looking sad and disappointed. "Sorry," he said to me. "Oh know don't worry" I said trying to sound like all the fighting didn't bother me. "Those kids aren't recruits, their one of the employees' children." "Oh I see" "My name is Chris," he said. I'm the assistant captain for the raid squad. You can stay here until all the new recruits get here. Would you like water or anything?" "No that's okay, and nice to meet you Chris" I shook his hand. Either he had a weak grip, or my grip just got stronger. I mean, I was working out a lot this summer.
The door opened again, and I saw Anna walk through. My heart dropped just like every time I see her. "Hello," Chris greeted. "Hey" she responded" "Hey Ezra" I was surprised she addressed me but I was even more surprised that she was in the raid squad. Nevertheless, I was extremely happy once more. I got to be with her and see her more. 
Time passed by and more recruits came in. I saw Finn come in and I was even happier. "Yo man" he greeted. We dapped each other. "Looks like we both made it into the same squad" he said. "Yeah, and you know who also made it into the same squad as us?" I said excitedly. "Who?" "Anna, you dummy" "Oh" he said in realization. "Dude this is your chance" "Yeah but..." I said nervously. Just before I could continue the door opened once more and the last recruit walked in. It was the girl we saw at the orientation, the girl that Finn was staring at so awkwardly. "It's her!!" Finn said in excitement. "You don't even know her like that" "Yeah but she's so...fine bro." I shook my head in annoyance. Finn had kept on staring at her like he did at the orientation. There were quite a few of us there. The door opened and another person walked in. She didn't seem like she was a recruit. "Welcome, Captain Hannah" Chris said. "She must be the captain," I said to Finn. He was too into looking at that girl to hear what I had just said. 
I looked around the room, the room was filled with interesting looking people. There was this giant guy who was probably 7 feet tall, then there was another extremely short guy. Then I saw this emo guy standing at the corner of the room wearing all black. Then there were just a bunch of girls in the middle of the room talking, they were just typical white girls, and I didn't know how they made it to the North. Anna wasn't apart of them; she was also standing in the corner of the room scrolling through her phone. I was surprised since in the academy days she was the most popular girl, and everyone was around her. I was pretty sure her best friend Sarah went to the East, which made me happy since I could have her all to myself. Or that's what I thought at least. 
When the captain entered the room, everyone got quiet and looked over to her. She seemed very strong and experienced but was also young. She looked like she was Austin's age and Austin was only 19. She had long black hair and was wearing a red zipped up sweater. She was dark skinned and had beautiful eyes.
"Attention everyone!" Chris said. "This is your captain, Captain Hannah" She seemed like she was a big deal, I heard one of those white girls whisper that she was the girl who lead Regalia to their victory in the first war with Georgia. She looked very strong too, I sensed a great aura coming from her. It was probably even greater than Jake's but not as strong as Luke's. 
"Well, hello everyone" she said in a soft yet bold and strong voice. "We did our absolute best to acquire all of you recruits in order to reshape the North division." I heard that after the war with Georgia, a lot of North division soldiers were either killed or left, leaving a shortage in soldiers for the North. They probably had to trade their remaining soldiers to other divisions in order to get better and more committed soldiers. "I hope you know that each and every one of you is an important piece for the North" she continued. "This year, we're going to do things a little bit different in the raid squad." Everyone looked confused but didn't want to say anything. "I want all of you to get into groups of 5" There were about 30 of us so there would be a total of 6 groups. All of these groups and sections things were confusing me. We had 4 divisions inside of the NGO, 5 squads inside of those divisions and now 6 groups inside of those squads. What was next, partners inside of the groups? 
Me and Finn got together and needed to find 3 more people, I went over to ask Anna. "Anna, do you wanna be in me and Finn's group?" "Sure" she said. Though I think she would have joined our group regardless since she looked like she didn't want to be with those other girls. I looked at Finn and could instantly tell he wanted to invite that girl over to join our group. "You invited your girlfriend over" he said, "Why can't I invite mine" I looked at him and you could say I gave him an intense side eye. Nothing much has to be said.
Finn walked over to her, and you could tell he was extremely nervous; I mean even more nervous than me when I talk to Anna. I could hear his heart beating so fast but it's a feeling that I could really relate to. "S-S-So uh, wanna join my group?" he said. I knew he fumbled so hard, and I felt bad for him. "Oh yeah, sure" she said in the kindest way. I felt that she was feeling pity for him, so she accepted and said yes. 
Well, that was 4 people in our group and now we needed one more person. This guy, same age as me walked up to me and kindly asked, "Hey, you think I could join your group?" All of the groups were full except for ours and we did need one more person, so I decided to say yes. 
Once all 6 groups were formed everyone's attention went back to Hannah. "Alright good everyone" she said. "These groupmates that you have selected will be the people who you do missions with, live with, and do everything with. Instead of operating as a large group, we're going to break into smaller groups to get more tasks done and help everyone develop teamwork and chemistry." I realized that this was a smart way of going about with things, since the whole raid squad got wiped out and a lot of other squads were damaged, breaking into smaller groups this time would be better instead of being in one large group. Plus, I didn't want to live in this place with 29 other people. 
"You all will be given your own units that you can stay at, each unit having a boys quarters and a girls quarters" she said. "After you have finished with introductions and settling inside or your units, you can come to Chris for missions and tasks." 
Part of me was extremely happy about all this news, I was literally living in the same room as Anna, I could even she her shower, but I'm not perverted so I'm not going to. Still though, I could talk to her and interact with her way more than when we were in the academy. 
"Well lets do some introductions" Finn said trying to start the conversation. "My name is Finn" 
"My name is Ezra" "My name is Anna" "I'm Jay" "The name's Ariana" "Ariana..." Finn repeated in such an awkward way. "Well it's nice to meet you guys" Jay said.
Anna got back on her phone, Finn was staring awkwardly at Ariana, and Jay just seemed really awkward. Ariana seemed a little bit bothered by Finn, leaving me in the middle as the only normal person who wanted to actually have a team chemistry. 
I could tell our group was going to be very unique.

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