1906 Part 1

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Captain Richard McConnell of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police was ambitious. Not only in career, but in love. He had risen fast in the ranks, becoming on of the youngest Captains in RNWMP history. He made the right connections, buttered up to the right superiors, and got along with his fellow officers. Those of his own rank or higher of course..

When he was posted to Fort Calgary, recently becoming the City of Calgary, he was both excited and worried. Excited because Calgary was an up and coming city, and he would be in charge of the RNWMP there, an important position. Superintendent of the RNWMP in Calgary would put him on the fast track to better and higher promotions. Worried because he had fallen in love.

He had met the most charming girl while a lieutenant in the Dominion Police, stationed in Nova Scotia. Her name was Rosalie McGregor, daughter of local tycoon Ronald McGregor. He was known as the richest man in Nova Scotia, and she was known as the most desirable woman, and not only for her money. She was tall for a woman, dark brunette hair, and striking blue eyes, which looked like they challenged you, but at the same time invite you in. Like many before him,  the first time Richard saw her, he was in love.

The problem of course was status. Rosalie was of gentle birth, born with wealth and privilege. The premier went to call on her father, not the other way around. While Richard was a policeman. Not exactly awe inspiring. But Richard was ambitious, when he saw something he wanted, he got it. What he wanted was Rosalie McGregor.

He had met her at a policeman’s ball to raise money. Ronald McGregor was a big contributor, so he was there with family, his wife and three daughters. Rosalie is the oldest daughter, and in Richards opinion, the most comely. Richard, fast rising star of the Dominion Police, was there to tell tales of his exploits to the contributors, and loosen their purse strings. If Richard McConnell was anything, he was a charmer. By the end of the night he could of gotten into Rosalie’s pants if he had wanted, maybe even into Ronald McGregor pants if so inclined. Plans were made for Richard to have supper with the McGregor's the following week. At supper, Richard regaled them of the deeds of the Dominion Police, and more importantly of his own. Ronald McGregor had wanted to be a policeman as a young lad in Scotland, and loved hearing stories about fighting crime. The two younger sisters giggled and teased, while Mother McGregor remained aloof but polite. Rosalie fell in love all over again. Richard was such a hit at dinner that he was awarded a few moments with Rosalie at the end of the night, where they had tea and a nice chat. He left with promises all around of doing it again the following week.

It went on like that for a year, until Richard was the son Ronald never had. When Richard asked for Rosalie’s hand in marriage, Ronald was more excited by the prospect then even Rosalie, who loved Richard with all her heart. Their marriage was a grand affair, paid for by Ronald, which was the talk of the town for years to come. The two newlyweds spent their first months together as if in a wonderful dream where they didn’t want to wake up.

When the post of Superintendent of the RNWMP in Calgary was offered to Richard, he knew he would take it. Along with the post came a promotion to Captain. He went home to talk it over with Rosalie, and gave her whole hearted consent. As long as they were together, she was happy she told him, where ever that may be.

The day of their great journey to the Wild West, the McGregors came to see them off. Rosalie promised to write them as often as possible, while Richard vowed to treat Ronald’s daughter like a Queen, until the day they returned from their adventure. They boarded the train, said their tearful goodbyes, and waved as they were carried away.

When they arrived in Calgary, Richard  met their contact at the station.

“Greetings Captain McConnell. I am Sergeant Arthur Boyle, and I will be showing you and your lovely wife to your residence at the barracks. I am also here if you have any questions about our operation or the city of Calgary. I was the assistant to the last Captain, and I can function in that capacity as yours too.”

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