1936 Part 2

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Besides bitching about us freeloaders, Lukas almost seemed content with his life now, sitting around waiting. Me and the others were anything but. I would of left if it wasn't for Joe. Harry stayed out of perverse loyalty to Lukas, I think. As for Danny, I have no idea why he would stick around.

I thought finally one day Danny did leave. I woke up early in the morning, Joe was moaning all night keeping me awake, so I didn't get much sleep. I went downstairs, and noticed Danny's boots and coat were gone.

Neither Lukas nor Harry deemed it necessary to mention his absence. We all thought it was a long time coming. Later that night Danny would prove us wrong, once again. I was about to go back to sleep when I say headlights coming this way. It was unusual to see them, as Lukas lived far from his neighbors, and this road only led to his farm.

“They're coming!” Lukas yelled. He ran downstairs to get guns, all the while ordering us to battle stations that I never heard of. I didn't know if he was so excited for the defense of his farm or because his prediction actually came true.

“Calm down!” I yelled down to him when he was in the basement, “It's only one vehicle. They'd send more if they were taking over.”

“How do you know? Could be a trick. They are shysters after all.” Lukas yelled back. The car was pulling into the yard, so I headed out to see who it was to prevent Lukas from shooting some innocent schmuck.

It turned out the innocent schmuck was Danny, in a car I hadn't seen before. It was a Cadillac, a car I knew Danny could not afford. Of course Danny couldn't afford the donkey he rode in on.

“Where'd you get this car?” I asked, as he got out grinning like a fool.

“A little birdie let me borrow it.” He said.

“Sweet dog! What do we have here?” Lukas said in the doorway, admiring the car. “What a nice ride.”

“Isn't it?” Danny said, “I'm borrowing it from a friend for awhile.”

“Well I can't wait to take it for a spin, but it be such a waste driving it on the back roads around here. It'd ruin the paint for sure.” Lukas said.

“You could always take it to town.” Danny said, knowing  Lukas had stopped leaving his farm a long time ago. Whatever he needed from town a mute delivery boy would bring.

“No, no. It's just a pleasure to view such a beauty.” Lukas said.

“Mind if I park it in the barn Lukas? I don't want to risk leaving it out in the open, just in case the RCMP come to try to take your place.” Danny said.

“Yeah, go ahead.” Lukas said, losing interest and going back inside. I had a feeling there was a good reason Danny wanted it hidden in the barn, and it did have to do with the RCMP.

Harry had come out just then to admire Danny's possession.

“How do you like our get away car Harry?”

“Nice, real nice Danny.” Harry said, smiling like a loon.

“I knew there had to be a reason for this car. And no doubt about it, you've been staying with Lukas for his guns. Where's Walter?” I said.

“Of course. Walter is roughing it not a mile from here. We could use a fourth man Ty, we are hitting a bank tomorrow.” Danny said.

“I can't see myself as a bank robber, thanks but no thanks.”

“You know, you could really use the money. If not for yourself, then for Joe, who needs a doctor bad.” Danny said.

“So you wouldn't waste your own cut on Joe, is that it?” I asked, mad at him for bringing that up.

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