Part 6

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Taehyung swung his blunt sword hard against the stump causing it to shake in it's roots.He drew back and hit it again,his muscles flexing up with more force.He was too early in the practice field and his guard stood just feet away from him,holding the sachet that the crown prince had passed him a while ago.He swished the blade around to push it into it's sheath before turning around,sweat rolling down his forehead.

"I want to know who gave him the pouch and I want you to directly enquire,do not let anyone know", Taehyung told his personal guard and Ser Min nodded curtly,"Yes,your royal highness"
"Our people have not warmed upto him and that is something I already had a feeling about but to give him oleander flowers! That is act of treason", Taehyung wiped the sweat off his forehead before handing the sword to one of the arms helpers.
"It is my duty to keep him safe,I have a promise made",The crown prince said.

"To the King?!",Yoongi stepped forward to him,lowering his voice just enough.
"I do not want to discuss incase you're conjuring up more questions about it,Ser Min"

Yoongi swiftly stepped back,his lips twisting and bowed, holding back whatever words came through to him.Taehyung made his way to the bathe rooms.When he stepped out ,Ser Jeon was standing by the gates.

"Your royal highness",the guard addressed and Taehyung noted that despite his strong build and toned muscles ,the man had a boyish charm,almost innocent.And he realized in surprise that Jimin was similar.Were all Caseidons meant to look so? Manly and adorable together.Taehyung gave the gaurd a curt nod,urging him to speak.
"Prince Jimin sends me to bring you to him",Jungkook said,causing several of the boys in the field to halt completely.Their eyes and ears sharpened to the edge of the ground,the moment the royal guard had appeared.

"Is the matter urgent?", Taehyung asked,distractedly,sending a glance over and the boys clambered onto practice.
"No,your royal highness.He asked for your presence whenever you would have time in your hand"
"Let him know that I would meet him in a while", Taehyung said as Ser Jeon clicked his feet and took his leave.

"Pelamoreans would speak that the Caseidon prince already has his husband on the palm of his hand",Seojoon, who had come from behind Taehyung,mused.
"It would not be a bad thing,would it,hyung?Isn't our worlds meant to revolve around each other?"
"I suppose that your words doesn't arise from love",Seojoon did not mean it as a statement,but more of a question.He tilted his head at the crown prince and Taehyung gave him a half smirk,his lips lifting to the side perfectly making a bow,"We are not young boys running around the streets looking for love anymore"
"That is where you are wrong,men need love more than young boys"

Taehyung still did not back down to his cousin,"for men,loyalty and chivalry comes first than any love and am not any different so you can stop worrying about it"

Taehyung made to pass the path that led down upto the castle,bathing forgotten.Seojoon had followed him up along Yoongi,who had gone awfully quiet but the crown prince was in no mood to ask him anything.

"Is it going to be as you wished?",Seojoon couldn't keep his curiosity in and Taehyung sighed at having to explain it to his cousin for the umpteenth time,"Not my wish, Father's.Father knows what is good for the kingdom"
"And that is by imprisoning the crown prince of Caseidon?",Seojoon had the audacity to chuckle and Taehyung groaned,cleared his throat and spoke,"I do not intend to imprison him in any manner,He is equal to me and he has every right that I have"
"Until your father breaks the marriage and sends him back,Do you think the Caseidons and Pelamoreans doesn't know this is all an act? Do you think once the marriage breaks,the people won't be at each other's throats again?"

Seojoon's words rang like an alarm in Taehyung's head,these were thoughts that had occupied his own mind a little too much too but he dare addressed it.It had stolen his slumber.
"Then the act must just be convincing enough so that the people believes and the break would be some unfortunate event that we can't be with each other anymore..people would be empathetic", Taehyung casually stated,as if it wasn't bothering him.
"Your father's words again! Then you'd be alright to let him go when the time comes?",the cousin quipped and the prince almost laughed,what can ever hold him back from letting Jimin go,putting this drama to rest.He would be relieved.

"I will be perfectly fine with that",he replied.
"Well,do Prince Jimin know that this marriage would eventually be broken?",Seojoon asked just when Taehyung turned around to where his chambers were and finally he had his tongue tied.There was no answer he could give,instead he just smiled.

"Good day to you,hyung",he said before leaving the elder alone on the corridor.

Taehyung pushed the door open to a pacing Jimin,the prince looked worried and in tense.The moment his eyes fell on Taehyung,he let go off the hems of his shirt that he was twisting,"Taehyung!"
"You sent for me?"
"I did,I had a matter to discuss"

"Can it wait until I shower?"
Jimin caught the sight of the prince,hair askew and sweat clinging to his skin.He sighed heavily,"Yes,it can wait",his hands going back to the hem of his shirt,twisting them anxiously between his fingers and Taehyung realized he cannot leave the poor soul in worry.

"You can tell me now?"
"The shower?"
"I will settle your heart before I shower"

Jimin blinked,trying to make sure if he heard what he heard and Taehyung did not move,looking expectantly at Jimin to speak.
"It..It wouldn't seem a big problem to you but-"
"If it is big to you,it is most definitely to me as well"
"Uh..the fields are not opening to Caseidons,my guards and knights are not allowed to enter the practice grounds or handle arms.They were stopped at the gates.I went to raise concern but the king was quite busy and he did not allow me audience"

Taehyung watched Jimin's eyes determinant yet worried.He had met his father in the morning and he was leisurely sitting back to the recital from a new poet.
"I would grant entrance,Jimin.Do not worry", Taehyung said, noting to let Ser Min Yoongi to announce it to the master of arms.Taehyung watched as Jimin visibly relax and then he realized in wonder that the fear Jimin had was not just being unable to enter the grounds,it was also the fact that the power of a royal,the command of a prince that he possessed had been taken from under his feet without mercy.He might be the second in power in his kingdom,but he practiced no such power in Pelamore.He couldn't even stand up for the guards who came along with him.He was just the same as another maid in the royal household.Hence panic.

"Jimin", Taehyung called softly and Jimin looked up at him, halting the pace he had renewed.
"Come with me to the fields tomorrow,we shall practice together"

Jimin gaped at him,his mouth slightly open.He cleared his throat,"Thankyou"

Taehyung gave him a nod and a smile before turning away.
"Ah,I almost forgot.Today we are to go to Eungan"
"Yes,It is my pleasure to come with"

Taehyung stepped into the bathe room.

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