Part 37

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A/n:two chaps in a day!! make sure you read last one.


The rain was heavy on their backs as they knelt infront of the old oak tree,hands clasped to their front and eyes fixed to it's roots.The royal priest sat on one side of the king and king's brother sat on the other side.Thunder rumbled above and the Godmother walked around them singing loudly.She cried into the rain,her hands raised in prayer.

Hyunjik looked towards his brother,who had his eyes closed.The rain dripped down his thick beard and matted his wild hair.Godmother came to stand in front of the king and raised her leg to put it on the king's knees.Hyunjik almost feared for the old woman's life but Hoshin only looked up at her.The woman spoke,"You...your doom is nearing.Your plans are going to be overthrown"

Hyunjik's eyebrows knitted together.Once every night of fourth month,Godmother acted like a shaman and then she was not herself anymore.She praised and prayed,she cursed and spit.Hoshin believed the Gods spoke through her.The woman grabbed a handful of mud into her hand and showed it to Hoshin.
"This land...this land that you stole,you betrayed people for,you shed blood for..and that land you have eyes on,the people you had pushed to death for ...",she laughed,"won't be yours..Listen to me well,you imbecile..The prince will stab your heart and this land will rejoice in your blood..It will rain like this.The prince of Caseidon will sit on your throne.He will rule Sefidon"

Hoshin pushed the woman and she fell against the roots of the oak,"Old hag!How dare you?"
Godmother only smirked,"You dare mock a prophecy from Gods!"
"Hyunjik,call the Caseidon king.Let us call for a wedding alliance between his daughter and Taehyung"
"Brother,Why make decisions in such haste?",Hyunjik spoke over the pouring rain.
"A hostage she will be.Her brother would dare not ride his horses against the castle where his sister lives"

Godmother laughed loudly,"You fools! You fools ! You barely know the future"

It had started to rain,slow thrumming of drops began and Jimin could hear it against the high windows.But his ears were ringing from the revelation of Lord Hyunjik.Noone even breathed.A distant thunder was heard,soft.
"Sefidon no longer exists",Jimin managed to croak out,his voice hoarse and almost animal-like.
"You will rebuild it",Hyunjik poured another cup of water and said,"I must leave now"

"Uncle..", Taehyung interrupted,his hands had let go of Jimin and he walked forward to his uncle.Hyunjik looked towards him.Jimin felt as if he was looking at two versions of Taehyung.A younger and the elder.The younger looked exhausted while the elder looked so much in his spirits.

"Taehyung,my dear nephew..I could read your thoughts but I would stand for the truth.Do not ask me to be on your side.This crown and titles are not ours.You must think about it"

"Please return to the castle,Father will forgive you",said Taehyung and Hyunjik smiled.He reached forward to gently caress Taehyung's cheeks.
"You silly boy..This is bigger than that",He pointed to Taehyung's heart,"And you have always known it.Your heart doesn't come from your father,it is your mother's.. remember that"

"I..", Taehyung seemed to contemplate whether he should say anything infront of everyone so he hesitated,"What do I do?"
Hyunjik smiled again,almost seeing his seven year old nephew in Taehyung,"You are still the crown prince of Pelamore.You can do so much, Taehyung.Remember to do what is right.When in need,ask for help.There are several ministers in the council who still serves me"
Hyunjik looked past to Jimin,"Is there any more questions?"

"When time comes,can I trust you to bring me to Caseidon?",Jimin measured his words and the man just smiled.Despite him being in his mid forties,he had a charming young smile.He bowed his head,"All you need is to call,young prince"

Then he turned to Taehyung again and patted him.He was about to step back into the cellar when he turned and said,"Taehyung,My brother promised to break your marriage with Prince Jimin after several months of marriage,didn't he? Wasn't that his original plan?"
Jimin's face twisted in confusion and he looked at Taehyung.He waited for Taehyung to reply and Taehyung finally nodded slowly.Jimin felt his heart break.
"Then go to your father and ask him of the promise and break the marriage.Send Prince Jimin back safely.Only then,we could save his life"

The door shut and silence fell inside the kitchen.Namjoon closed the door and turned to the Princes,"Please make haste and return to the chambers",He gave a small nod to Jungkook to accompany them.Jimin was the first one to turn and leave.Taehyung followed soon after.

The rain became heavy,and Jungkook shut the windows before leaving the princes alone.Jimin sat on the bed,a single lamp burnt near the table.


Jimin did not reply back to him, Taehyung slowly moved closer to his husband.Jimin was staring at the lamp hard and Taehyung tried again,"Jimin,Please"
"Was that the plan all along?",Jimin did not take his eyes off the lamp.
"Jimin,it is not what you think it is"
"Then what is it, Taehyung? Did you make a vow that you will allow your father to break this marriage"
"Did you or did you not?"

Taehyung was kneeling in front of the Caseidon prince,his hands clasped together on Jimin's lap.He saw the hurt look in Jimin's eyes but he could not escape from the truth.He was not to get attached to Jimin,he was to break the marriage whenever his father wanted him to.

"I did"

Taehyung did not know what he expected Jimin to say or do.He thought maybe the prince would lose it and hurl things at him,or burst out loud or something,just not this.A tear fell down onto Taehyung's clasped hand.
"Jimin, please"
"Good to know that if the king was to tell you to let me go,you would"
"Jimin,Listen to me", Taehyung tried to reach for him,to wipe tears off his husband's cheeks but Jimin caught his hand and held it back in his lap.

"Would the love that you said you carry for me cease too? Will you be able to stand and watch me go? will you unsheathe your sword to stand against me cause the prophecy says so and I am no more your husband?",More tears spilled onto their hands and Taehyung freed himself to cup Jimin's face.He pressed his forehead against Jimin's and whispered,"No.."

Taehyung's thumbs wiped under Jimin's eyes,"I can't ..No vows and Promise could bring a stop to my love for you.Please do not say such words"
Jimin was now gasping as he cried.Taehyung held him tighter ,pressing his husband's head onto his shoulders.
"This place traps me,I am alone are the only one that I have and trust...and if you",Jimin was well aware that he shouldn't let his feelings get the best of him and shouldn't speak his heart out like this.He wasn't the one to wear his heart on his sleeves but it had got to him finally,"If you are to leave me too..There is nothing for me here"

Taehyung detached and cupped his husband's face again,"Jimin,did you hear me?I said no.I love you more than any words I have given my father.I could not part from you and no old Gods or new can take you away from me lest my father trying"
Jimin stopped ,his breath became even as he watched tears streaming down Taehyung's face too.The flames almost died and Jimin realized he had been shaking.He leant forward but then everything went black.

A/n: When y'all comment,I get excited and write the next chapter  immediately,that's why this!!(thankyou megha_vvd and eliinaa24)comments

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