Part 35

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"Let us call the council and then we will listen to you once again,Shall we?",The king sneered and proceeded to call for the guard in waiting.But Taehyung interrupted,"No,father.This is not the kind of concern that I want to share with the council or the royal court.I am simply making a request to you in behalf of my husband.He would have been here and making the same request,had not been restricted to the summer palace"
The king threw the front of his robes behind him and he paced from the door to the window leisurely,"Dearest son,did you forget the vows that you gave me?"

Taehyung could not,and would not forget it.Caseidon king had looked conflicted that day when the priest announced the solution for the rift.Taehyung wasn't required to have an opinion so he wasn't asked either.Taehyung was to marry one of the twin daughters of the Caseidon king and he wasn't even allowed to choose which one.And in all honesty,Taehyung hadn't expected anything more from his father.He had always known his marriage would be of something that will be purely political.Every royal weddings in Pelamorean kingdom was as such.Taehyung's mother was herself the princess of Aurelius.Now,Aurelius is bound to answer a call for solidarity if Pelamore asks for it.

The very next day,the message was recieved that the Caseidon prince had volunteered instead of his sister.Taehyung had never seen his father in such ecstasy.He had rushed into his son's room with the news and paced the chambers announcing this chance was golden and was better than what he had in mind before.

Taehyung wanted to know what his father had conjured up in his mind but the old man just made him swear.Taehyung vowed that he would not be affectionate towards his husband and his father made him promise when time comes,he would be ready to break the marriage at his father's words.He was never to advocate for Jimin.At the end,Taehyung promised things but his father did not share what he had in mind.The Pelamorean prince,still, was bound to that word.Unbeknownst to his father,he had already been guilty of feeling a little happy that he was going to marry Jimin.

"I have not forgotten the vows,father,but I did not agree to limit his freedom"

"Yet you are here raising your voice for him.None of this is for you to take decisions on or question.He will remain in the summer palace and I have plans for Caseidon",The king said,gesturing at the guard at the door and the giant oak doors to the hall were open.The royal court filed in and Taehyung kept staring at his father.He had the questions on the tip of his tongue but if he did ask his father whether he had hand in any of the assassination attempts at his husband,Taehyung might be silenced like his mother too.He needs to think this thorough.So he changed the question,"Princess Hyeojoo is abducted,Is she part of the plans that you have set aside for Caseidon?"

His father smirked,looking around at the attendees and back to his son,"Seojoon,escort your cousin out of the hall.He keeps forgetting that his loyalty is to lie with me"

"My loyalty resides with you,father.To this kingdom and the Pelamorean blood.I am the crown prince of this kingdom and don't I deserve some answers?", Taehyung couldn't care less about the ministers whispering between themselves.
The king pointed his finger at Taehyung's chest and said,"You are the crown prince only as long as I am the king.As long as the kingdom survives and stands"

"Are we facing any threats,father?", Taehyung did not flinch at the way his father scoffed.He came closer to Taehyung,leaning down near his face and whispered,"Prophecies are not to be overlooked"


Seojoon came to Taehyung and pulled him outside,"I cannot come save you from his wrath everytime",Seojoon said closing the door behind them.
"What prophecy is he talking about?", Taehyung asked,ignoring Seojoon's comment.
"Prophecy? I do not know about any prophecy"
"You are in the council,Tell me what is going on", Taehyung urged his cousin and the latter looked irritated and he dragged the crown prince far from hall.

"Look, Taehyung- I can't.."
"Seojoon,I am your future king.Do you think hiding anything from me will get you anywhere when I am on the throne"

Seojoon looked as if he was thinking and then finally let out a heavy breath.He rubbed his temples in frustration and said,"Walk"
He moved first and Taehyung looked around,before following his cousin.


Jungkook bowed once before closing the door behind him,"Namjoon says Lord Hyunjik will visit you after twilight hours tonight"
Jimin nodded,"Did Taehyung return?"
"Not yet,your Grace",Jungkook said.
"Ser Jeon?"
"Yes,your royal highness"
"I have a hunch that we need to leave as soon as we can",Jimin chose his words carefully,he was vocalising his fear,giving meaning to his thoughts.
"I truly trust Taehyung but I feel like there are things even he doesn't know so if Lord Hyunjik offers a way to help me get back to Caseidon,I..I think I am going to take it"
"But what about Prince Taehyung?"
There was silence and it had shut down Jimin's wild thoughts as well.He felt like he was standing alone on a swamp.He turned away from Jungkook.
"Do you love him,Prince Jimin?",He asked and Jimin pressed his face into the palms of his hand.
"I do",He said,out loud and it was a confirmation to himself,"I do",he repeated.

"Did you tell him?"
"I never got the chance",Jimin said,biting his lips,"I do not know what I will do,Ser Jeon,I do not want to part from him"
"Your royal highness,forgive me for saying this but as far as I can see,I would have to accompany you out of this castle very soon.You must tell him how you feel"

Jimin took a moment before saying,"If I am going to leave him,what good is there in telling him that I love him and breaking his heart right after?"

"I am not part of the council anymore",Seojoon kept walking down the winding halls.He hadn't stopped since they had left the halls of the king.
"What do you mean?", Taehyung stopped but Seojoon tilted his head,"Keep walking"
Taehyung followed him,"Did you get thrown out?"
"Not really,But I think I am not deemed as trustworthy anymore.Uncle threw a lot of ministers out of the council as well"
"But why?"
"Taehyung,Your father had sent some people to Caseidon and I do not know what that was about but right after they were sent,there had been attempts at abducting few offsprings of the royal family with one such attempt succeeding"
"Are you saying it is father's men who did that?"
"No..I am not saying that but it is suspicious and few of the ministers raised concerns..I did too.We enquired about the purpose of sending men to Caseidon when we had signed a peace treaty over Eungan"
"So father threw you out of the council"
"Yes,only council.Everyone is still part of the royal court but we are not  privy to the king's strategies anymore"
"What about the prophecy?"
"I wasn't lying.I really am unaware of any Prophecies made to the king"


The clock had struck twelve and Jimin turned to see Taehyung was in deep sleep.He pulled away the blankets and his feet slid against the cold marble.He pulled a night robe before making his way out of the chamber,gently closing the door behind him to meet Jungkook outside.

Taehyung turned around at the light shuffles of foot and found his husband was no more by him.

A/n:this took long..I have not proofread this

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