Part 33

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There was loud thunder that night,no rain and only thunder.The palace shook in its frames and the bars rattled against the windows.Jimin had just buried the tiny squirrel in the back garden,under the birch.He sat on the ground,a small twig in his hand tracing the mud in circles.He didn't know what to think and didn't care that the guards were around him.Miho was taken away by Yoongi, and Taehyung had moved her to one of the remote chambers the palace held.Miho had confessed to poisoning the food and announcing it as safe.News had been sent to the castle.

Despite the tears,Miho's voice had not shaken when she confessed to Namjoon's claims.Namjoon had witnessed the urgency on which Miho had acted and had noted the whole platter was not served to Yowul.Miho could be a pawn in a bigger game.

Another thunder and Jimin looked up to the sky,from where he sat cross legged.Jimin then gestured Jungkook to leave him alone,the guards started to leave.
"Namjoon ssi",He softly called.
Namjoon had been helping him to dig the tiny hole,and was still standing feet away from him.
"Yes,your royal highness"
"Thank you for today",He simply said.
"It is my duty,Please do not thank me",Namjoon replied.
"I did not know you had kept your eyes on her"
"I keep my eyes on everyone around you, Prince.That includes your husband and your personal guard as well"

Jimin got up and swatted the mud off his back.He straightened and let out a heavy breath,"I had become reason to more persecutions,I do not know how I will rid of all this guilt"
His heart was only beating to let him know that he was alive,his nerves were numb and it felt like he had been blindfolded and had been let off into a dark forest,he didn't know whom to believe anymore.Even right after Namjoon had saved his life,he was not ready to trust the chaperone.

"None of this was your fault,prince Jimin.You are the reason for a bigger cause.More people wait in the shadows for your blood and much more people will live if you live.Do not get disheartened,my liege"

Jimin did not reply.He wasn't sure if he believed in Namjoon's cause at all.But there were things he needed answers to and he believed the queen would have answers for him but with the circumstances of the present,he highly doubted whether he could see her at all.There was only one another person who could have answers,if not answers,atleast a little understanding to what Taehyung's father wishes for,what Pelamoreans were trying to do.

"I want you to bring Lord Hyun Jik to me"
"Here in the palace?!"
"Yes,Bring him to me.And only him"
"My Prince,it is dangerous for him to come here and if someone is to see you with him,that will be considered conspiracy"
"I know of the risks,Namjoon.But if I need to trust him,I need to know of his cause and his motivation to stand for me.I would not harm him in anyway and this will be between you and me.If he could honour that vow,bring him to me",Jimin said,more resolute and Namjoon knew there was no point in arguing or making his side anymore.He bowed,"I'll pass the message,my liege"

Jimin found Jungkook right outside the door.They made their way to where Yoongi had taken Miho to.She would be sent to the cell in the castle tomorrow,awaiting her persecution.
"My apologies,I should have been more alert.If not for Namjoon-",Jungkook was cut off when Jimin turned to him,as he kept walking.
"Do not brood on what had passed.I know with all my heart that you would not let anything harm me.It is human to slip"

Jungkook wanted to say more things, apologize some more but they turned the corridor to see Taehyung standing right at the end of the corridor.Yoongi bowed at the Caseidon prince.
"I want to talk to her",Jimin said.
"Jimin,you shouldn't -", Taehyung reached for his husband's hand.Jimin was not dissuaded at all.He pressed a hand over Taehyung's chest,making him step back and Taehyung nodded at the guards and they stepped away.Yoongi opened the door and Jimin entered alone.

Miho was locked to one of the arm chairs,her feet held together.She wasn't crying like how Jimin remembered seeing her in the dining hall.Instead,she sat like a warrior woman,back straight and eyes casted towards the window,waiting for her fate.She turned at the foot shuffles and Jimin came to stand infront of her.

"Miho,Were you threatened by someone? I could help..Has there been a mistake?",Jimin began,cause a part of him still believed in her innocence but that was quickly diminished when he met her eyes.She held no remorse as she shook her head.
"The only mistake I committed was not delivering the platter to you",She said,her voice still ever so sweet.Jimin ran his fingers through his hair,feeling conflicted.

"I considered you my confidant.A friend rather than a maid",He found himself whispering.
"Sorry to break down the walls of delusion,Prince Jimin.I have never considered you as such.I wanted death for you from the moment you entered Prince Taehyung's chambers.You caught me from the first day when you put the blade against my neck..failed attempts after attempts.I knew the only way to gain your trust was to become a friend"

Jimin stared at her,as if she had grown three heads and extra limbs.He couldn't believe what he was hearing.He couldn't imagine Miho as a conspirator,he couldn't imagine her as anything less than an innocent maid of the court.And then realization hit him slow.He remembered everything that had passed between them.The countless trips they took to the grand library to gather books,the stories of Pelamore Miho spoke without taking a breath,the early morning wake up calls with baby squirrels in hands,the hundred stories Jimin had told her.Jimin couldn't lie,he had thanked the heaven for the company of Miho whenever Taehyung wasn't around and the chambers felt big and empty.He felt like a fool,he scoffed at himself.The thunder outside had thickened.

"Miho,I trusted you"
"My loyalty lies with the great king Kim yeol woo,the father of our clan.When the espionage comes under his name,I would only bow my head and be grateful that I am the chosen one",Miho said,her fingers picking at the bristles of the wooden chair.
"You were directed by someone?"
"I opened the door to the dungeons,Prince Jimin.I opened the door to your guards' chambers.I thought they will end you that night, before the winter was upon us but then..then I realized,that I was a fool"
"What are you say-?!"
"They were not trying to murder you,they had other plans.I was played like a pawn,so I took matters into my hands.I thought you won't live to see the day"

Jimin felt like he couldn't breath anymore,the walls were closing in on him.He was with Jihoon in the dungeons and he had sent the boy away.He was attacked instead of Jihoon and he vividly remembered that Miho was the first one to arrive at the scene.Miho wasn't around in the chambers,like she usually was helping the princes for bed,on the night Jihoon was murdered.She had followed Jimin around,eavesdropped and comforted when he felt down.Cried with him for Jihoon.Jimin was shaking with anger,his eyes bloodshot and burning.

"I considered you like my younger sister,my confidant and yet..yet,you betrayed me.You killed my brother",He choked out.
"I did",Jimin almost thought he saw a tear roll down her cheeks but after gasping between the strings of truths wrapping around his neck,he couldn't trust her with anything anymore.

"You were crying when Namjoon accused you",Jimin said,stupidly.
"I shed tears for the squirrel",she replied without missing a beat.Jimin nodded and stepped back,"I'll take care of your squirrels while you are gone"

Jimin tried not to stumble as he walked towards the door.
"It is absurd..I thought you won't live to see another day and seems like ,I would be the one hanging on the front gates of Pelamore but that is alright,dear prince.I'll be a martyr for my kingdom.The true Pelamoreans would know and hail me.As long as I become the reason for you to spill few tears,it would be enough for my soul to not wander the earth in vain",she laughed.
Jimin scoffed,"In the spirit of trying to hurt me until the very end,Miho,you have given me a lot more than what I had asked for"

"You have told me now..that I am not the prey,not yet atleast.They wanted my brother and not me..And I swear to old gods and new and on your soul if it is still wandering,when you are hung tomorrow,I will find why and I will avenge my brother and every one that I have lost"

"You can't -"
"I wish I could tell you to be patient and see for yourself but I cannot promise if you'd be around",Jimin sighed,a tear drying upon his cheeks,"I truly loved you,Miho.I felt like you were my kin and blood.I saw you in place of my two young sisters.I truly believed that you are my confidant and I trusted you"
"Do not say such words-",Miho turned her head.
"I would light incense in your memory,and I would try to remember only the good times we spent together.Goodbye Miho"

Jimin opened the door and heard a whisper behind him,"Goodbye,your royal highness"
But he didn't turn back.

The thunder clouds didn't turn to rain at all and passed.

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