Part 38

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The lamp had died and Jimin could feel Taehyung's breath on his lips,and then it was gone when he tried to lean further forward.He could hear his husband making his way to the lamp and then the wick came alive slowly.
Taehyung came back almost immediately,"Let us sleep and put our hearts at ease",he said.
Jimin did not tell what his heart yearned and could only nod.He laid down beside the Pelamorean prince and stared into the ceiling.And then he involuntarily shifted to his side and put his head to Taehyung's chest.He pretended to not hear his husband's surprise in his breath and fell asleep.


Taehyung,alongside Yoongi,stood in front of the dungeon doors that lead to his mother's chamber.He had chosen to come down when his father wasn't in the castle and that had taken a week since he had met his uncle in the summer palace.The royal guards at the door bowed in unison and one of them spoke,"Your royal highness,You are restricted from entering the Queen's quarters"
Taehyung wasn't expecting that and his face twisted in confusion,"Who dares to restrict entry to the crown prince and why?"
The man kept his eyes to his feet,"His majesty,the King ordered so,Your royal highness.Queen mother is contracted with high fever and is at rest"
"I do not believe that for a moment,step aside",Taehyung tried to move while the guards barred the door with their spears.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

Taehyung wasn't going to physically move them and create a commition but he was sure they would move,from the way the guards looked nervous and scared to be even doing this.They just did not look at the crown prince at all.
"I think it is wise to not bother the future king of Pelamore.We do not serve the same master forever",Yoongi directed at the guard who had spoken earlier and then the guard looked taken aback for moment.He bowed immediately and spoke,"Please,your royal highness.I beg of you to understand the state we are in.His majesty will have our head if someone reports we allowed entry"

Taehyung clearly understood what the guards must feel but he wasn't going to return without seeing his mother either,so he said,"I promise to be back in fewer minutes.I am here to just see my mother and ask her of her health.I would be back before there are any whispers around the castle.Ser Min will stand here"

Yoongi nodded and then after few seconds,the guards stepped aside reminding Taehyung to not take much time.
"Mother..", Taehyung called out as he entered.The few maids who tended to his mother exchanged glanced and bowed as they stepped back.A court lady spoke as he came closer,"Your grace,Queen mother is suffering from fever"

Taehyung saw past the veil,his mother was lying on her bed,hands on her head and eyes closed.
"I only want to see her"
"But your royal highness-"
"Taehyung,is that you?",The queen asked,her voice hoarse and tired.
"Leave us alone",The queen said and this time noone talked back and cleared out the quarters.Taehyung moved to his mother's bed side and for the first time, Taehyung's mother actually looked sick.Her lips almost white and eyes half open.
"Are you not fine,mother?"
His mother held his hand in between her's,"I am..I have been drinking a new cure to my headache,I think the medicine is harsh on me"

Taehyung nodded,he felt his mother's forehead and felt the temperature.He almost felt bad for showing up by his mother's side only when he had worries or questions.He decided not to burden her with his doubts but then his mother caught into it.
"What is worrying you?"
Taehyung sighed and knowing that he did not have much time,"Mother,I have questions"
"Do ask"
Taehyung lowered his voice,"Jimin found your annotations and marks from the book you lent him.He found a message", Taehyung pulled a piece of paper from under his robes and showed it to her.Jimin's curly letters sat pretty on them and the queen sighed, feeling relief wash over her.She clutched the paper close to her heart,"He figured it!! I was growing worried"
"Mother..What did you find?"

Taehyung was shocked to find that there were tears in her eyes.Before Taehyung could comfort her,she moved closer to him and said,"I am bound to secrecy and held onto that promise for so long.I must free myself from it"
"I wanted to tell Jimin everything from the first day I saw him but we did not have enough acquaintance and he wasn't aware of the games they play.The annotations in the books was so that he come to me and I'll have answers for him"
"Mother,he can't come"
"I know,I would have wanted to tell this to him in person but what difference does it make? You and him are the same"

The Queen held her son's hands tighter and moved closer until she was right next to him,"There is an old rule Queen Yaoshi deviced when there was a coup to seize Caseidon kingdom right after the death or Park baek hyun"
Taehyung wasn't aware of any such history.He had only read on Park baek hyun,the first ancestor of Caseidon died,his first cousin took his stead and became King.
"The older history books were stolen by Pelamore.These books were in the Pelamore Grand library before it was moved to God knows where and the Caseidons are unaware"
"Of what?"
"Murdering the crown prince or the king doesn't make Caseidon orphan.Another heir would ascend the throne"

Taehyung did not know where she was going with this and his nerves were urging him against being patient.
"The rule calls that Pelamore could be the protector of Caseidon if all the heirs are perished and vice versa"
"Mother!", Taehyung's mouth fell open.He did not completely accept what he heard.It cannot be.
"We cannot afford a war and not all kingdoms will answer our calls for a war if the causes are not acceptable.Your father,thus ,is using the flaw in Queen Yaushi's law.She intended to serve it as a protection to Caseidon but Kim Hoshin thinks otherwise"

Taehyung had not heard his mother take his father by name.Noone takes the king's name.
"If there are no heirs,then Pelamore is allowed to take over Caseidon?", Taehyung put the words properly to make sense.

"Your father is plotting to assassinate every heir of Caseidon,including Jimin and the King.If Jimin was killed first,they would protect all the other heirs since that is the protocol.Hoshin intends to keep Jimin prisoned until everyone is killed.He is raising the crown prince of Caseidon like a lamb for slaughter"

Taehyung started at his mother,mouth hanging slightly open and scared to utter a word but his mother wasn't looking for a response,"I tried to write several letters to Caseidon and Aurelius but every single one of them were intercepted.Your father had planned this for the then king,Jimin's father and he had found out that I knew.And since then this has been my home",she gestured at the dungeons,"He had waited for this several years,son.He would kill every royal blood to the last kin.You must save Jimin and free him from Pelamore walls"

There were hurried steps behind them and Taehyung turned to see Yoongi jogging towards them in a hurry,"Your royal highness,make haste.His majesty has arrived at the castle doors"

Taehyung got to his feet,he rubbed his temples and said,"I'll come to bring you out of here, not drink the new medication",and then he was gone.

"I heard you visited your mother",Hoshin said,as his son bowed at him,on his way to his chambers.Taehyung took a moment before smiling,"I heard she is sick"
His father patted on his back,"you are always a nice son to her,and not to me"
Taehyung watched him go and almost felt his heart break.He stopped Seojoon as soon as he saw him,"Has something happened? Why did father arrive back soon? "
Seojoon ran a hand through his hair,"Caseidon is accusing Pelamore for the multiple abduction of Caseidon heirs"
"What are you saying?"
"Cousin,Did you not hear? Prince Ha woon,Princess Mei and Prince sohyun had been abducted from their bed last night"

A/n:hey guys,I won't be able to update for a while,I think.I am getting engaged this weekend.Or probably I'll stress-write..God knows!

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