Chapter 1

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Prologe: If you had the option would you die on your own terms, or someone else's?


As I sit here and watch the thunderstorms roll across the sky with there quick light flashes here then there. I can not help but think of those who I have hurt in my extended life time. Would you live forever out of selfish reasoning or out of love and vengence to hurt those who have hurt you? I don't know which I live for.~~~~~

As I sat there looking at my father's dead body (Emmett Allen Rohlffs) watching my sisters cry over his lifeless corpse I couldn't be anything but angry. How could God take him away from us? Just when we needed him the most. With his debts to be payed.

In my family there were seven children. I the first was named Lucinda Ellane Rohlffs (now 16). The next child was born two years after me and was named Anthony Allan Rohlffs (14). Less than a year later there was Elizebeth Annette Rohlffs(13) and, Christopher Francis Rohlffs(13) twins born from there mother Mary-Anne " Hanigan" Rohlffs my fathers second wife. His first wife (my mother) Rosalie "Geare" Rohlffs met her maker some two months after delivering my brother, to a barn fire. After the twins Mary gave birth to Joeseph Jeffery Rohlffs(12) and died in child birth. After her it took years for my father to find Geniveve "Klaine" and another three months for them to wed. About a year later she gave birth to Jerimiah Daniyel Rohlffs(5) and Elleina Alice Rohlffs(5) another set of twins. Then she to parished ,but not like the others she was mudered, coming home from town. She was the last wife my father took. Now I am the woman of the house, the eldest of all my siblings. It is up to me to take care of them. To make sure they are looked after and safe.

After the funeral my brothers and I are consoling our sisters. When the sheriff and two of his boys came up to us. " May we have a word, Miss Lucinda?" asked the sheriff. I handed Elleina to Anthony and walked with the sheriff. His sons stayed with my family. (What was left of it anyway)

" Lucinda I know this is a hard time for you and your kin but I need to be reminding yous that you alls own my family for that tight squease you alls was in last year" he said when we were far enough from the graveyard that my siblings couldn't hear him. I looked at him with shocked eyes, because I did know just how much money he had given us. "Now Luce i'm a fare man. My eldest son has asked me to ask you if you would let him court you? If you except you and you're families debt to us will be swept away like dust in the wind, I'm not one to charge family after all. " he said.

"May I have a week to grieve for my father before your son comes to call?" I asked. The sheriff nodded and I turned back to my family.

He yelled after me " A week, then he shall come, Miss Lucinda" All the people looked at me as I turned red, but kept walking. I took hold of Jerimiah and lifted him into my arms and began the walk home. My family followed without hesitation. We walked home in silence.

As we came up the dirt road which took us to the house.

Our house was a old one, but you could tell that it was white at one point. The shudders had been painted last year a dark color (I forget what its called). It had taken my three weeks to paint them. The farm was exactly a farm. We hardly had any animals left, except a cow for milk, a few chickens for eggs, and one pig left. The pig is actually suppose to be sold soon.

Even as all these horrible things are happening to us the house still looks untouched. Father had said once that my mother had inherited this house from her family. My fathers family home was giving to my uncle. My fathers eldest brother who Anthony was named after.

Anthony took Jerimiah from me and handed him to Christopher. He ushered them to go up to the house. When they were in the house he looked me straight in the eyes and asked what the sheriff had meant about "A week, then he shall come?" I looked back at him could only stare back.

" The Sheriff's eldest son has asked to court me. He comes in a week." I said back to him. He was the one to stare back this time. I began the walk to the house. Anthony followed not saying a word. He didn't know what to say anymore than I did.

We walked in the house and I went to go get the bucket so I could go get water from the well outside. Elizebeth handed it to me. I told her to take the little kids upstairs and take them out of their good clothes. She did as I asked, and I went to go get the water for the tub.

As I walked out the first time, I felt like everything was upside down. Nothing felt right. I felt tears well up in my eyes so I set my mind to my task and didn't think about anything else.

After about six trips I could finally start the heating process. It took a long while but after it was done I went in to the living room to put the kettle away. I sat on the floor next to my chair, and started a fire. I burned my fingers on the matches the first few tries.

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