Chapter 4

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I woke up to Anthony coming down the stairs. I looked over at the stew and a spoon I had not gotten was spinning round in the kettle that looked like it had just been in it. Stirring it. Anthony came in the room sniffed and said "Oh how long have you been up? What smells good?"

Oh since alittle past three, and I made stew" I answered. he gave me a look and left the room only to return a minute later with bowls and silverware.

I shook my head "I am not hungry but leave some for the rest of them. I am going to try to get some more sleep." As I walked to the hall and turned the corner. I heard him get a bowl and sit down. I got to my room and heard the others begin to stir upstairs. I shut my door and layed down on my bed. Thinking to myself "there had been someone else right next to me and I didn't even know it!" How could I have not woken up?

I sat there for awhile the let my eyes drift shut to an odd humming.

My room looked the same yet different when I opened my eyes. The water basin was still there next to the door. My mothers dresser I had begged my father for still next to the bed. My work desk/ vanity (also my mothers) was somehow different. Mabye I had bumped it last night or something?I got up only to remember my mysterious vistiter. Then I also remembered that Kristoph was coming over. What time was it? I moved to quickly and my knees gave out from under me. I fell with quiet a bit of noise. I heard someone run down the hall. Then like the flame of a candle someone blew out my vishion was gone and I was out cold.

I woke with someone's hand on my wrist and another's around my hand. I could feel my pulse in the lump on my head. I tryed to open my eyes to no avail. Then I got scared I felt my pulse quicken. Which made my head hurt worse, then I heard murmurs then the voice, his voice was clear as ever. Kristoph was the holding my hand and my head up. I tryed again to no avail to open my eyes. I heard my doctor in the room as well . "She should be just fine Sir Kraven. Just a bump on the head. She done this before. Looks like she got up and moved to fast then her knees gave out. Nothing to worry about." Then I heard him walk away from the bed and open the door, then shut it after a second. I felt Kristoph's muscle pusle with his heartbeat. I could feel his breath, taste it too. It smelled of peppermint and cinnoman. His hand left mine to catch a piece of my hair that was falling, and stayed there for awhile. It was so warm I didnt think I could stand it too much longer. His hand began to trace my eyes lightly, my cheeks, and lastly my lips. I parted them without thinking about it. He pulled his hand away quickly, and I felt a twing of saddness. Then he took my hand again. I slowly consentrated on opening my eye. They fluttered for a second then opened wide,and I gasped. I had not expected him to be so close. He moved back about an inch then looked at me with the same look from last night when Anthony helped me up.

"You gave me quiet a scare, Miss Lucinda" he said. I wanted to say I was sorry but all I could do was just look into his eyes. Like emeralds they to were beautiful. Apose to my dark brown eyes. Our eyes were locked like that for what seemed like hours when there was a knock at the door.

He looked away first, then the muscles in my neck gave way to the weight of my head and my head began to snap backward when Kristoph stopped it with his arm. Then he set me down on the bed, did not let go of my hand until he was to far to keep it in his. It dropped on to my lap, and layed there limp, lifeless.

Kristoph opened the door to find Elizebeth standing there with a bowl of water and a wash cloth. She looked at him, and Kristoph moved aside for her. She moved toward me without ever taking her eyes off of him. He shut the door and sat in the chair in the corned next to my bed. Elizebeth came in put the bowl on the bed next to me and washed my face and hands like she was tought to when something like this happened.

When she was done she took everything and left the room. Shutting the door behind her. I looked at Kristoph to make sure he was still there. He looked back at me, and smiled an amazing smile. I realised that he was waiting for me to speek.

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