Chapter 6

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I woke up to see that Kristoph had moved. Instead of him being at the bottom of the hill he was right next to me. Staring at me, his eye's were back to normal. How long had he been watching me? I sat up and moved away from him.

"Please, please dont be scared of me." he pleaded. I moved still further away. " I promise not to hurt you. I wont even touch you if it will make you happy, just please dont be scared of me." he groveled. I looked at him and stood up. He looked down at the ground. As I walked over to him, he looked up. I dropped to my knees and put my hands on both sides of his face. I leaned my head down and kissed him. Lightly at first then a little more passionately. He kissed me back and pulled me to him. I froze, then he did to. I pulled away and looked at him. Starring into his eyes, and he starring into mine. We sat like that for awhile, then I got up and pulled him up with me. I started toward the house I had found the day before. I walked into the house and looked around. Kristoph hadden't come in with me for some reason? I went to the door to find him starring at the thresh hold and then at me.

I grabbed him hand and pulled him in. He tripped over the thresh hold and fell on me knocking us both down. He flipped us in mid-air so he would be the one to hit the floor. He landed on the floor then I hit him pretty hard. He looked at me and I at the wall. He sat up and moved my face so he could see me. Then gasped when he saw the tears in my eyes. He hugged me to his body then stood up. I looked at his beautiful face. He looked away from me with worry on his face. I followed his line of vision to see nothing but the house. He set me down next to a wall, and put his arms on either side of me. I tryed to move but he had me pinned. I started to get scared, when he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back this only made him agrivated, and then he pushed me agenst the wall. He kissed me harder and put his hands on my hips pulling me toward his manhood. He rubbed up against me while pushing me against the wall. I tryed to pull away, but this only angered him. He pulled away and growled at me. I whimpered and tried to find away to get away from him. He pulled me back to him and kissed my neck, and started to go downward. I pushed at him, and he bit me. I saw blood slide down to my breasts. I whimpered and he came up to look at me. He had blood dripping off his chin. He looked into my eyes and seemed to snap back to himself. He dropped to his knees and just sit there. I edged away from him. Holding my neck I crossed the room to where a mirror sat on the wall. I cleaned it off to see how bad the bite was. It looked like a dog had bit me. I turned around to see Kristoph fall over. I edged toward the door. Once outside I ran into the woods and climbed up a tree. An watched the house.

Kristoph tripped out of the house about an hour later. He made his way toward the forest. He seemed like he was drunk or drugger. He past the front line of the trees and came right to the tree I was in. He began to climb up and so did I. When I got to the last branch that would hold me Kristoph was about three away. I looked down and nearly fell. We were very high. Kristoph came up the tree and faced me. He reached out for what I thought was my hand, but it went toward my throught that was still bleeding. I leaned away and the branch cracked. I screamed, and Kristoph just looked at me. The branch snapped and I began to fall. Only to stop suddently, because Kristoph had grabbed hold of my dress around my stomach. I looked down and then at Kristoph. He looked drugged still. He lifted one finger and I slipped alittle. I looked pleadingly with my eyes at him. He let go with another finger and I screamed. He shook his head and seemed to come back to life. He looked around confused then down at me. He saw what was happening and swung me over to the tree so I could grab hold. I started to climb down as soon as he let go. I got to the bottom of the tree and backed away from Kristoph as he too reached the bottom. He turned to me and saw the blood, the fright,and the very, very, very scared me.

"What did I do?" I looked at him in utter disbelief. He walked toward me and I turned to run. I didn't have a clue where to go. I turned to face him again, and this time I was angry. He looked like a wounded puppy.

I glared at him and said "I want you to take me home and then leave." with only anger in my voice. This seemed to startle him, but he didn't do anything. I turned and walked away from him after a minute. He ran to chatch up to me. He turned me toward him and I pushed him away.

"What did I do, Lucinda?" he asked.

"What did you do!!!?? You tried to rape me then you tried to make a snack out of me when I tried to get away from you!!" I yelled at him pointing at my neck. He looked at me confused. I pointed toward his manhood that was still swollen. He looked down and nearly fell over when he realized I wasn't joking. He tried to come toward me, and I backed away.

"Please, I was not myself. You have to beleive me." he pleaded still coming toward me.

"If that wasn't you Kristoph than I dont want to know who it was. Now back off!!" He stopped coming toward me. I turned and walked back to the old farm house. He followed from a distance. I went in and sat down on the floor to sleep for the night. Kristoph across the room. He looked down at the floor and seemed to drift off to sleep. I could not sleep with him in the same room so I got up, and wondered for a bedroom. I found one in the back side of the house. I slide into the closet shut the door and fell asleep.

I awoke to Kristoph yelling my name. I slide open the door and stood up. He practcal ran into the room. I looked at his eyes and they looked like my Kristophs'. He stood a couple feet away from me and just seemed over joyed for some reason. I walked past him toward the front door, when I felt him coming at me.

I ran as quick as I could, but he was quicker. He lifted me up from behind, and ran throught the house and out into the feilds. He stopped at the place where I had been taken against my will. just like now. I had been fighting him since he picked me up, but now he set me down. I looked at him and shied away. He walked toward me and shifted into the creature that had brought me hear before. I screamed and tried to run but he got to me first. He slammed into me throwing me forward and into the ground.

He flipped me over and played with the blood coming out of the wound I had just gotten. I looked at him in terror. He simply smilied at me like we were old friends.

"You have been asleep for alittle while my dear. You slept for three days. Plenty of time for your beloved to leave and go home. I found you alone and unprotected again." I looked at him and tried to crawl away. He planted his foot in my stomach. I screamed from the pain it inflickted. He dropped to te ground...

I awoke from the nightmare with such force I slammed into the wall opposite me. I fell to the ground. The door opened and Kristoph was there. I flung myself at him as fast as I could. He opened his arms to me and I all but flew into them. He held me their for a minute them pushed me away, so to see my face. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked at me and did the same. He leaned down so he was inches away from my face. Before he could finish the distance I closed it and kissed him. He kissed me back and lifted me up onto him. He brought us over to the bed and laid down with me on top of him. I wrapped myself around him.

We kissed for what seemed like forever. He pushed me away before I wanted to. He flipped us over so he was on top. I looked up at him and he looked at me.

" We should be getting back before they start a search party." he said. I nodded and he moved off of me. I groaned as I thought of the long walk to town. Kristoph took my hand and lifted me into his arms then ran through the house. Next thing I knew we where in front of my house, but he didn't put me down. He just cept walking toward town. We came over the hill toward town and he nearly dropped me. The town was gone. I dont mean like it burned down I mean it was like gone. The only building left were the ones that belonged to Kristophs family. They all were there to. Just as perplexed as we were. Kristoph let me down and I ran down the hill. Kristoph right beside me.

The Sheriff looked at me and said "Good God what the hell happened?"

"I could ask you the same question." I said. He looked from me to Kristoph.

"We ran into some problems." Kristoph told him.

"Well I have no idea what the hell happened here. Was here one second and gone the next." the Sheriff said.

"Oh and Lucinda I am sorry but your family..." the Sheriff couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. I looked at him and time seemed to freeze.

"Oh God! Lucinda!!!" Kristoph said as I fell to the ground. The lights went out a second later.

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