Beautiful Green Eyes

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Bringing up his hand to his face. He slides his hand from his face to his chin. I'm alive... Staring into his green eyes, he once again touches his face. He doesn't believe it. He's back to life. Turning the tab on the sink. He splashes water onto his face. He's never felt this way. Turning the tab off. He glances up at his face. His once-fringe hung close to his left eye. Brushing his hair off to the left side of his. Placing a hand on the mirror, he stares deeply into his forest-green eyes. Does that mean that I can talk to Kayla? The girl who was beside Carrie during the performance of 'Bright'. She has spiked his attention. Might be weird for him to have a liking for a girl of this century.

Reggie doesn't know when the last time someone spiked his attention towards them. He's mostly a flirty boy with no off button. Placing the comb down, he looks over at the decorations they have in the bathroom. A plant was placed in the corner of the sink. He turns the plant around to find the name on a piece of white tape. In black Sharpie is Pothos. Could this be the name of the plant? Turning it around and sliding it back. He looks back at the oval-shaped mirror to find the clock reads, 3:39 in the morning. How long has he spent inside the bathroom?

Reggie sighs as he places his hands on the sink. He glances at his face in the mirror before bringing his hands to his hair. Combing out the knots and a couple of strands that remained standing. He slides his hair to the left as he smiles at himself. Doing finger guns at himself. He still had marks where tears were rolling an hour ago. Right after he hugged Julie and the boys. He is alive again. He finally has a chance to live a life that was taken from him at seventeen years of age. Laying a blanket inside of the tub. He finally has the time to lie down in the bathtub and reconsider everything he's done to his parents that led to the divorce.

He closes his eyes as he lets the tears slide past his eyelids. The familiar sound of his father cursing at his mother rang through his ears. Your piece of shit! How could you fuck my co-worker and think I would forgive you for that! He remembers it.

His father finally discovered that his mother was with another man behind his back. It has been going on for months and it was only now that Reggie let light on the betrayal and loss of trust between the three. Ultimately, Reggie's father didn't argue with him, he never wanted Reggie to find him in that state. With the wretched smell of bourbon and cigs. Reggie's father wanted him to stay.

Opening his eyes, Reggie still finds the images of his father haunting him, every second he is alive. The look of hurt in his eyes still manages to make Reggie fume with hatred for what his mother had done to them. Reggie hopes his father is still alive. He can't bear knowing his father is alone in the world with no one there to bring him hope for a better future. Betrayal was never taken lightly. Reggie got to live a life that was once ripped from him at a young age.

Reggie grimaces as realization went through him. His neck and back started to hurt after a couple of minutes. Laying in the bathtub is now going to be a hassle nowadays. He can feel pain without having a choice. Reggie sighs as he tries to get comfortable in the bathtub. Now that he is alive, the pain will rush through him and force him to hate many things that he once loved as a ghost. Including sitting in front of the bike shop, the one that has taken over his old home by the beach.

Tearing at the thought of never getting to see his room again. The posters were hung on the wall beside his bed. He will never have the chance to see them again. He spent so much on them that it all went to the trash. He moves to the right as he watches the door open. A familiar shaggy-haired boy walked in. It is Luke, his other bandmate. Reggie watches as Luke kneels to brush a tear that was on his cheek.

"Hey, Luke..." Reggie blurts out as he watches Luke as he stands back.

"Hey... are you okay? You've been here for more than two hours. I thought I needed to break the door down to check on you." Luke babbles as he places a hand on Reggie's face.

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