Beautiful Green Eyes: Marked for Eternity

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Nothing is quite as nice as waking up beside a space. The familiarity of the bed is no longer beside him. Turning over to face the wall, he is met with a curtain. It was as crimson and dark as blood. Satin curtains, the smooth grasp it held against the window sill. Slowly rising on the ground, he rubs his forehead. Unable to comprehend what happened before, Reggie stands up from the floor. Footsteps were descending upon him as he glanced around. Purple walls surround him with every turn he takes.


Turning to where he heard the voice, he spots Willie beside a door—holding a bottle of water in his hands. How did I end up here? The question lurked in his mind as he rose to his feet. Taking the bottle of water from Willie's hands, he glances around him. Their hands touched as Reggie's eyes widened. Tears form at the corner of his eyes as he looks down at his wrist. Neatly placed bandages were covering the mark that he left on himself. The stamp...

His breathing stopped when he heard a rough edge hitting the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a cane and someone descending a flight of stairs. Purple overcoat, decorative buttons, and a cunning grin. Taking a step back and clenching his fist. Caleb. That son of a–

"Reggie... great to see you are finally awake... Thought I had to pull you out of your little room..." Caleb jested as he signals Willie away. Letting go of the water bottle that was in his hand, he lets Willie take it. I don't need it, I won't take it. Squinting his eyes as he looks closely at the small words on a sign. He was back at the wretched place. Hollywood Ghost Club. A place that was once for happiness and to fulfill old memories.

"You know... it was really funny ruining your red butterfly suit. I spent good cash on getting it for your needs..." Making his way around Reggie. He held his cane in his right hand, using it as if it was a walking stick. Even though from his view, he has both of his legs. Both were working fine... Why does he need to always hold it in his hand? A sudden jolt of pain went through Reggie as he winced. His outer thigh started burning as he tightly gripped his hand on the inside of his shirt. Another blow was made to Reggie's side as he fell to the ground, clutching onto his stomach.

"You are going to enjoy being here..." Caleb spoke slowly as he raised his cane above Reggie's head. Abuser? No wonder he died. Reggie was about to speak up a remark when Caleb placed his cane on his neck. Stopping him from speaking as he held his breath. A smirk was glued on his face as he crouched down to be at eye level with him. "You know... I'm not going to take it out on you... You're not the one to blame here..."

Caleb's hand rested on his lap as he removed his cane from Reggie's neck. Even being dead is still frightening. Ready to sit up on the floor, Caleb delivered a final hit to Reggie as he watched the bassist descend to the ground with a thud. "But that doesn't mean that you weren't part of the problem..."

Getting up from beside Reggie, he made his way out of the room. Leaving Reggie on the ground, unconscious.

Your piece of shit! I should've never left you alone with him! Get out! Get out! The sound of a door closing made Reggie snap his eyes open. Groaning in pain, he rubbed his stomach as he rolled around on the ground. Lying on his stomach, he looks up. Eggshell walls now surround him as he slowly gets up. By doing so, he avoided quite the pain from his newly acquired beating. Stumbling to his feet, he looks around the room. His vision remained blurred as he walked towards a bed. Only missing two steps out of it, he plops himself down on the bed. It was a sign of weakness... Gazing around the room, family pictures were around him as he reached out to grab one. Blinking a couple of times, he looks back at the picture in his hand.

Mom... dad...? What are they doing in that picture? Glancing back at all of the pictures around him. He was in his old room. Band posters were hanging on the walls as his bass guitar lay tucked in his clothing. You didn't even resist doing it, you let him do it! How could you let him do it? I thought I could trust you! I gave you my word! Placing a hand on his temples, he slowly rubbed them. Closing his eyes, he wraps his arm around his legs. Burying himself in his lap. Staring down at his wrist, the bandages were no longer present. Slowly tracing out the outline of the broken heart, he closes his eyes.

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