New Student; Blurb

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(Just a blurb of how the characters would treat you as a new student on your first day at there school)


*Wednesday- She would be cold and shrug you off, but she would still subtly watch out for you know how rude people in the school could be. She wouldn't go out of her way to be around you, but she wouldn't avoid you either.

*Enid- She would be excited to meet you the second you arrived at the school and would be overjoyed to show you around and introduce you to everyone. She would drag you and Wednesday around to all the social gatherings she could think of and she would love to take you shopping.

*Xavier- He would be a bit stand offish at the start until he warmed up to you and then he would start to hangout with you and sit at lunch with you. You two would talk about his art and he would show you all the cool things he could draw. He would show off a little, but in a kind sorta way.

*Tyler- He wouldn't know you were a student until you came into his coffee shop with Enid and Wednesday and he would introduce himself right away and sit with you three wanting to learn about you and why you ended up at the school and what abilities you had because he is curious.

*Bianca- She would check you out as competition first, but soon she would warm up to the idea of being friends with you because she likes the vibes that she gets with you and you two would hangout and join her group of friends getting to know everyone deeper then the masks they wear.

*AJax- He would be excited to meet someone new much like Enid was. And he would wanna hangout with the you during lunch and stuff and the trips they take. You him and Enid would be a solid group of friends and nobody would mess with you three.

*Rowan- He would be skeptical like he is with everyone at first, but he would also like showing off his ability like his roommate proud of what he can do. And if you took interest in it and actually liked watching whwt he could do then you two would become good friends and he would make sure nobody messed with you because he wasn't as weak as they assumed he was.

Wednesday :Character & Cast: ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now