avoidance (pt3)

761 17 20

word count: 685

kyles pov:

"you ok kyle?"

my trail of thought was lost when i hear a voice from next to me, me and stan were just walking home and i was asking myself a shit ton of questions, half of which i didnt have a proper answer for.

"yeah just a bit tired haha." i laugh awkwardly, i have an itching feeling he knows somethings up. he looks at me with a concerned look on his face, signifying that he definitely doesn't believe me. these were the rare days where we missed the bus and had to walk. i had hoped today wouldn't be the day that it happened, but fate just had to fuck it up.

we eventually reach my house, stan lives just down the road so he walks all the way to my house and then carry's on to his.

"I'll see you tomorrow kyle, i hope whatever's happening sorts itself out" he said, holding me close, a bit too close for comfort, looking into my face, not breaking eye contact.

so he did know something was going on, im glad he didn't know what it was though, that would've been a different conversation.

"thanks man" i murmur quietly, trying my best to avoid eye contact, this moment was dragging out, i felt so awkward .

stan hugged me and waved goodbye, i waved back, sighed and went inside my house.

after dragging myself upstairs, i collapsed onto my bed and stayed in that exact position for about 2 hours, thinking, wondering, crying.

finally my pathetic ass got up and realised that i left my phone in my bag, i step closer towards it and fumble with the dodgy zip to get it to open, i see a few unread messages from stan.

                                  stan 🔥🤝

                                                hey dude! i noticed you
                                                 you seemed a bit upset
                                                   before i went home,
                                                   you ok? im always
                                                   here if you want to
                                                talk about anything 😸

                                                                          (17:56) ~

I ignore it. todays thursday, im sure i can go through tomorrow avoiding him, i know i shouldnt, but i cant face him again, now after all this, what if i just ditch school tomorrow? can't; mom. i'll just wear my most basic outfit, pray not draw attention, and i'll walk a different way to school. I wish I didn't have to do this, but this isn't something i can just ignore

stans pov:

what did i do? shit, did craig seriously convince him that i like him? wtf, wtf, wtf. okay just stay calm stan, he might just be busy, but what would he be doing??? he left me on read, the last time he did that he responded 10 minutes later, fuck i should text him again.

                                   kyle!! 🫶🏻

     hey dude! i noticed you
     seemed a bit upset
     before i went home,
     you ok? im always
     here if you want to
     talk about anything 😸
  (16:21 read)

  (17:56 read)

     hey do you want to
     chat? im kinda bored
     and idk what to do for the
     physics homework ☠️☠️
~ (19:23)

god i wish he would answer me, im really worried, what if something happened to him? should i go round to his house? or should i just wait for a response? should i call him? what do i do? uahh!! kyle makes it so hard for me sometimes.

                            *the next day*

kyles pov:

i wake up and get dressed into my planned out outfit, an oversized plain sage green sweater, a pair of cargos, white sneakers, and my usual trapper hat, i hurry to brush my teeth and leave without even eaten breakfast.

instead of waiting by the bus stop like usual, in order to avoid it, i go through the town. I pass tweek bros coffee, toms rhinoplasty, city wok, and tolkeins house. it takes about double the time to walk from my house to school that way in comparison to just taking the bus, thats why i made sure to leave extra early in order to not only be able to go the longer way, but get to class early.

sorry for the angst this chapter! but don't worry i've got something planned out for them :)

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