alcohol (pt4)

700 12 18

word count: 811
tw: drinking!!

kenny pov:

whats going on with stan and kyle? one day theyre all happy together, the next kyles gone somewhere to hide from stan. its so obvious hes just scared of confronting his feelings for stan. but i wish he saw what hes doing to him. the poor guy's depressed without kyle, kyle keeps him sane, when i used to take care of stan when he was drunk he would tell me that kyle was one of the few things that kept him feeling like an actual person and not just a sack of organs.

i think kyles hiding in the bathroom, stans sitting next to me chewing slowly on a p&j sandwich, head down, eyes tired, body limp. i feel terrible for him, but theres not much i can do, this is more of a problem for them to deal with, I probably shouldn't get involved too much, i can sense it ending badly if i do

stan pov:


what have i done? genuine question. why is he ignoring me like this? it feels like im getting pelted to death with rocks; slow, painful and confusing on why im just standing there taking it. I want to talk to him so bad. no, i NEED to talk to him. is he even in school today? I haven't seen him all day so I wouldn't know. surely he can't keep this up all weekend though? definitely not, he'll talk to me, right?


                                      kyle!! 🫶🏻


     hey dude! i noticed you
     seemed a bit upset
     before i went home,
     you ok? im always
     here if you want to
     talk about anything 😸
  (16:21 read)

  (17:56 read)

     hey do you want to
     chat? im kinda bored
     and idk what to do for the
     physics homework ☠️☠️
~ (19:23 read)

                          saturday and sunday:

                                     kyle!! 🫶🏻


     hey dude! i noticed you
     seemed a bit upset
     before i went home,
     you ok? im always
     here if you want to
     talk about anything 😸
  (16:21 read)

  (17:56 read)

     hey do you want to
     chat? im kinda bored
     and idk what to do for the
     physics homework ☠️☠️
~ (19:23 read)

its sunday night. i give up on trying with him.

kyle pov:

these have been the hardest few days in a while for me, i know how much i miss stan, and how much he misses me, but i've just needed some time to sort myself out, to get my head straight, to ask myself some questions that i now know the answers to, and its true, I've discovered i do like stan, romantically.

we have school tomorrow, im glad I'll get to talk with him again tomorrow!!

                           *monday morning*

i wake up feeling super motivated, i fall out of bed and get dressed, trying to contain my hair and miserably failing in the process of doing so. completing my seven step skincare routine, getting dressed, brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, it seems things might be okay again after the weekend.

I skip out of the house after saying goodbye to my mum and walking ike to the separate bus meant for kindergarteners. it takes me a few minutes to reach the bus stop and immediately i spot stan. shit is he mad at me? i did kind of ignore him without him knowing why, fuck.

I walk more to see stan crying, not crying a little bit too, full on salty face, wet sleeved crying.

"stan?" I say stepping closer to him, the pungent scent of alcohol enters my nose, verifying my suspicion. hes drunk, and its probably not even 8:00am yet. not like it matters, hes drunk. I stand next to him, patting his back sympathetically, as if to tell him indirectly that im sorry.

"kyyyy why have you been ignoring meee??" stan slurrs, he stumbles while attempting to turn around to face me "i thought you.. that you were just struggling... *hic* but dude.. you didnt have to ghost me" he admits, staring at me with watery eyes.

"im so sorry stan, ive needed to sort some stuff out and i needed some alone time to think.. but I've figured it all out now! its gonna be okay stan"

he sniffs "dont you EVER..." he stars, punching lightly at my shirt "...EVER pull that shit again.. *hic* you dont know how much ive missed you, you keep me from doing dumb shit like this.." he pulls out a large bottle of smirnoff ice from his bag, almost dropping it. it's fully empty, which made my heart sink; had he really drunk that much?

in any case i was surprised on how late the school bus was running. unless, wait..
i check the time
"dude its 9am."
"we missed the bus"
"I know *hic* i watched kenny and fatass get onto it"

can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now