disclosure (pt7)

677 14 28

word count: 1035

stan pov:

my head... what the fuck? what day is it?? tuesday.. i dont remember going to school yesterday, what do i remember? uhhh.... I remember drinking and seeing kenny and cartman leave on the bus?

I can hear shelly walk down the hallway, she comes in my room. "hey turd i got you some water and a painkiller" she says placing them both on my dresser

"what happened?" I ask tentatively, not knowing fully if i want to know the answer.

"well, yesterday when you came home, drunk and your friend kyle helping you back, you told me all about your little adventure, but I'm guessing you don't remember, do you?"

I shake my head, why was kyle helping me? isnt he still mad at me? or is he?

I check my phone

      kyle :(

huh? oh i wonder what he texted m-

just as i was in the middle of unlocking my phone, shelly snatches it out of my hand and puts it on the other side of my dresser "you want to know what happened or not?"

I look back at her and nod my head this time, maybe a bit too much, because my headache starts to intensify again, reminding me to take the painkiller and water next to me.

"as i was saying, you told me that you got drunk, kyle found you, he wanted to take you home, you ran away, he found you, you felt bad and started trying to be close to him, he got freaked out and pushed you into a pond, you went back to his house, changed into some spare clothes, something else that i can't remember, and then he took you back here" shelly finishes, panting as she said that all in one breath. "that about sum it up for you turd?"

not really
"yeah thanks"

"whatever" she adds "just stay out of trouble and maybe dont drink before school again, 'kay? or just in general, don't"

she leaves and i check the time; 7:25am, i still have until 7:40am until i need to leave. now i get to check my phone, and see that kyle has texted me;

                                      kyle :(

                                              hey dude! I hope you
                                  feel better from yesterday, I
                                        hope you come in today,
                                              we didn't really get a
                                      chance to talk about why i
                                          was avoiding you, and i
                                       want you to know because
                                         you have a right to know,
                                      I'm super sorry for avoiding
                                 you, I hope you can forgive me
                                                                         (07:23) ~

      It's alright kyle, thanks
      for looking after me while
      I was drunk, I know I can
      be a massive pain in the
      ass when I drink, so I'm
      sorry about that, I'm
      gonna get dressed, I'll
      see you at the busstop :)
~ (07:26 read)

                                                                     okay, bye!
                                                                         (07:26) ~

~ (07:26 read)

i get dressed, putting on my normal jacket, shirt and trousers, its such a lazy combo but it works for me, i slip my soiled sneakers on and pull my blue and red hat down past my ears, and attempt to fix my disgusting ass hair, but after fiddling with the strands for a while i give up and sling my bag on my back, shoving a pack of tylenol in my pocket incase i feel sick throught the day.

kyle pov:

I told stan i would tell him the cause for me ignoring him, but truthfully, i dont know if im ready yet, sure he needs to know, but im really scared on how to tell him, its just going to make our friendship more awkward, and draw us apart, which is the last thing i would want, i'm gonna try and talk to kenny about it at the busstop.

I do my usual morning routine, shower, skincare, hair, clothes, food, water, leave. i walk towards the busstop, and i cant shake the feeling that someone is watching me, i dont know what it is. Its probably nothing though.

"hey kenny!!" I signal to him with waving

"mph mhph!!" he says, most of what kenny usually says is unintelligible others (not including me, cartman, stan and butters) except for the once rare occasions where he would unhood himself, even though now its less rare and he does it at lunch and whilst walking home.

"can i talk to you about something kenny? its kind of important" i start, getting ready to offload all my feelings for stan onto him

"mph mhph! mhp mphh (yeah sure! go ahead)" he answers back, intrigued

"dont freak out, but uhm.. yesterday when stan was drunk he uhm.." i pause, should i really be telling kenny this? fuck it, he already knows the half of it "he kissed me, and I didn't dislike it." I state, clenching my fists. I thought for a second i heard someone whisper something but I figured i was just imagining things

"mrph? (really?)"

"yeah.. i think i might like him, its why i was trying to avoid him on friday to sunday, my feelings were scaring me haha" I nervously laugh and feel my stomach twist, i can see him, kenny sees him too and waves at him. he waves back and smiles at me, i smile back at him, hiding the utter panic im feeling.

"hey kenny!!" he introduces "hey kyle"

"oh uhm hey dude.." i let out awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck

the bus is here now, and fatass still isn't here, i think hes plotting something, hes been really quiet lately, i wonder what hes doing-

"sup homos-" cartman interrupts, sliding in

"where did you come from?" stan asks "I figured it was a bit weird considering we can usually see you coming from a mile away"

I choke on my water and laugh, kenny and stan join me at laughing at cartman, he was especially greasy today, which was another signal of him plotting.

"I'd watch what you say if i were you kyle" cartman said to me as i was getting on the bus, kenny and stan were already at the back and it was just me and cartman

"why? what you gonna do fatass?" I joke

"I know."


can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now