kiss (pt6)

729 13 13

word count: 793

kyle pov:

i take stan home, wrapping him up in my coat, and guiding him to my house, he remains silent, holding the coat around him and shivering, as i grip his shoulder for stability so he doesn't trip and fall.

when we reach my house, i take stan upstairs and get out some spare clothes of mine for him to wear considering how wet his are. he's still silent as he gets dressed in the bathroom, leaving his wet clothes in the sink. I go to sit next to him and to rub his damp hair with a towel.

"I'm sorry stan, I didn't mean to push you. I just don't want you to feel embarrassed about how you acted whilst you were drunk when you're sober again" I explain, trying to maintain eye contact. he maintains too, looking deep into my soul as he does, kind of freaking me out but also making me feel forgiven at the same time

"its okay.." he slurrs. he's obviously still drunk but i think the alcohol may be starting to wear off. he holds his head in his hands and i stop ruffling his hair. tossing the towel to the side. i rub his bicep and lower my face so he can see it. he removes his head from his hands and looks into my eyes, and then at my my.. lips?

he starts to move forward. I panic as he places his hand on the bottom of my thigh, and before i even get a chance to react.. he.. kisses me??!

stan marsh is kissing me?!?!

his warm lips were comfortable against mine. it felt right, but this wasn't the time. i pull away lightly.

"im sorry stan but you're drunk. trust me im flattered but I can't do this when you aren't sober"

he looks hurt, but I'm not going to let that happen while sober him isn't aware of it. he moves his hand off my thigh and gets up, as if he's going to leave. but then, the worst thing that could happen, happens.

"bubula??? why are you back so early?" i hear my mum shout up the stairs as she enters back into the house. fuck, please not now. any other time just not now.

I can hear her marching up the stairs and i just wait to be scolded by her. she bursts in and stands there for a few moments, studying what shes seeing and trying to make sense of it.

her son standing there looking worried and his friend whos hair is drenched wearing her sons clothes

"well?" she says, eagerly tapping her foot.

"uhh.. stan got soiled by a bird, I decided to let him come back here for a shower.. yknow since he doesn't have his key to get home and ..uh nobodys in his house"

she looks at stan suspiciously and then back at me. It was a pretty lousy lie but enough to have her believe me. she walked out, going back downstairs to unpack the shopping from her car.

I sigh and sit back down on the end of my bed, thanking whatever it was that caused her to believe me.

"..i think *hic* im gonna go home.." stan says, still standing, still swaying

"oh okay! I'll walk you back!" I say grabbing my coat and re-wrapping it around me. i can tell he was planning to walk back by himself, but there was no way on Gods green earth that I would ever let that happen while hes in the state he is. and so I walk him back to his house, holding a bag with his damp clothes in it.

it takes us about 2 minutes to get to his house from mine, considering how close they are to eachother.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow stan," i start; we had just got back to his house "is shelly in?" I shout into his house

"yeah? whats do you want?" i hear a feminine voice shout from the top of the stairs. shelly was used to stan being drunk, and being a 19 year old, she was used to being drunk herself.

"take care of stan, he necked a smirnoff and skipped the bus"

shelly descends down the stairs, her pyjama bottoms dragging on the floor, almost making her trip "for fucks sake stan, whenever your drunk im always left to deal with you" she scolds rolling her eyes and grabbing stan by the wrist to drag his upstairs "thanks for dropping this turd home kyle"

"no problem, bye stan!" I yell, but i dont think he hears me. I shut the door and head home, still feeling guilty for pushing him into the pond.

can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now