run (pt5)

647 14 12

(most of the following chapters are kyles pov)
word count: 587

kyle pov:

I cant believe what im hearing, he KNEW he was gonna make himself late but just stood there? to be honest he's literally drunk so whatever. was he waiting for me? thats not important. what is important is that I need to get stan home, hes wobbling terribly and im worried he might stumble into the road.

"stan." i tell him sternly. he looks up at me, his drowsy eyes meeting to my cognisant ones.

"whaat??" he replies, blinking slowly and hiccuping.

"I'm taking you home, you're drunk."

he stares at me with a confused look on his face, and keeps that expression until the words "I'm taking you home" sink in, to which he shakes his head, and stares behind me

what is he looking at? i glance back, nothing. I glance back forward, nothing. nothing? NOTHING?? I spin around, looking for signs for where he could've gone, i look across the street, hes made a run for it.

"stan? stan!! come back!!" I shout as I dash across the street and look around to try and find him. shit, shit, shit.. he was my one responsibility, how am i at the age of 15 and still, to this day, fall for the "whats that behind you" fluke? whatever, i need to find him. I'm beginning to get worried, where is he? Is he alright? although, a good thing about south park is that you cant run away and not be tracked down, why? because there's snow; everywhere. I begin to find footsteps in the snow and surely enough, they lead to starks pond, where stan is sitting on a log, lowly humming a melodic song.

I sit next to him so i can catch my breath and stare at him intensely. he looks over at me and dumbly grins. he doesn't know how worried i get does he. I look away and start breathing in.. and out.. in.. and out.. in.. and o-

"...I love you kyyellllll"


"dude youre so annoying, why couldn't you just listen to me for seriously just a few minutes" i say, masking how flustered i am from number one, running, and number two, him.

I think he sensed i was annoyed at him and he begins to try and hug me apologetically. I let it happen but then he starts trying to grab my face, which i'm positive im not going to let happen, for his sake and my own.

he starts chasing me around, craving my attention and to caress me. I dodge all of his advances and we end up playing cat and mouse, him rushing towards me, always missing because of his drunken state, and me dodging as to not embarrass him when hes sober. this happens for a series of minutes, in which i grow more impatient of his behaviour.

"dude seriously" I say, backing away from him

he ran at me again, and I push him back, a bit too hard, and he falls backwards into the pond.

"SHIT!!" I shout, falling to my knees to splash around to try and find him in the cold, murky water. his head bobs above and he coughs sharply, having inhaled alot of the pond water.

I pull him out of the water and hold him, asking if hes okay. he is shivering violently and is visibly upset by what happened. he thinks i despise him.

again im super sorry for not posting yesterday!!

can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now