exposure (pt8)

691 12 36

word count: 1328
(Im super sorry for not posting this last night!!)

kyle pov:

shit. cartman knows. im screwed. how would he know?

as if he read my mind, he answered my question,

"Its simple kahl, I hid in in a bush to listen in, and thats where i came from. I also accidentally said "gotcha" too loudly, and you almost caught me you sneaky jew, but once again, I've beat you too it kial." he snickered.

I could feel the colour flush from my cheeks, and my blood run cold, i was going to tell stan anyway but now cartman knows. fucking CARTMAN. oh my god.

I rush to the back of the bus to sit next to stan and almost collapse on him when i sit down.

"kyle? are you okay?" he asks worryingly as i clumsily fall onto the seat, inhaling and exhaling sharply, i could feel my heart rate rising, my self control wearing thin, my eyes dripping tears. I look at my hands and watch as tears fall onto them from my eyes, I'm having a panic attack.

I bawl my eyes out as stan holds me close and caresses me, reassuring me that everything is okay. he puts his hand on my heart,

"try and breathe with me okay kyle? breathe in.. and out.. in.. and out.. in.. and out.." he repeated this many times for about 4 minutes, while doing this he was tracing circles on my palm to try and focus and distract my mind.

it really helped me, especially because of how patient he was with me, he didn't ask me any questions or try make it a massive deal, he dealt with it in the best way possible.

I breathe in, and out. my heart rate had returned back to normal but i was still crying loads. stan grabbed some tissues from his bag and gave them to me, letting me wipe my eyes while he rubbed my arm softly. It felt really nice.

"thank you stan, thanks for being patient with me, thanks for helping me, thanks for being here." I say as i sob, the reason that I'm crying is because i know that this will be the last time our friendship is ever like this. cartman is going to ruin it, and he won't want to be my friends anymore. and i still cant get my mind off that kiss.. ugh. It cant get any worse

"youre welcome kyle, I'll always be here for you" he says smiling, we were so close, but i needed to wait, I couldn't get too eager yet.

we get to school, and the four of us walk in together, fatass reminding me of what i know he knows by saying to me "lunchtime. Its happening kahl."

I tremble, and stan senses I'm nervous. "you alright kyle?" he asks smiling, i didnt want to worry him again so I told him I was just a bit cold. first we had literature, then math, then music, then lunch.

stan pov:

im a bit worried for kyle, hes not telling me the full story on what happened while I was drunk. i can tell. he had a panic attack this morning, i didnt ask him why because i didnt want to seem intrusive. but its made me wonder alot

we just finished music, we were supposed to be practicing song writing, and so while i was strumming chords on the guitar i was using, kyle was scribbling down ideas and rhyming words, tucking his tongue as he thought.

now it was lunch, and kyle seemed really anxious, his leg jumping up and down under the table and his head in his hands

"whats up?" I ask scooting closer to him

he looks up and stares at cartman, who is grinning at him maliciously, oh, thats whats happened, something with cartman. why didnt i see this coming.

cartman snatches up kennys empty tray and kyles empty tray. he goes to an uninhabited table and stands atop it.

he clears his throat

"can i have everyones attention, yeah even you wendy, even you tweek!" he shouts banging the trays together above his head obnoxiously.

kyle stares into his lap, barely blinking, barely breathing.

"cartman get down youre embarrassing yourself" i shout, rolling my eyes

"do i get bonus points if i act like i care?" he jokes, seriously why does cartman have to be such a collosal asshat.

"anyways.." he continues "i have an amazing thing to tell all of you, *ehem* kyle broflovski talked with kenny mccormick this morning and said to him that stan marsh, yes thats right, that stan over there- just there, got drunk and kissed him! yes, indeed very shocking news today, but not only that, kyle broflovski then went on to tell mr mccormick that he wasn't sure if he hated it, and infact, excuse me if im incorrect about this kyle, but im guessing that kyle indeed did enjoy the kiss from stan and would most likely want to have it happen again, thanks you guys really, what a wonderful audience. well that about wraps it up, see you round"

he holds out his arms and drops the trays in sync; letting them clatter first on the table, and then topple onto the floor

I couldn't believe what i was hearing, i.. kissed kyle..? ..oh so thats what he didn't tell me about what happened when i was drunk..

I look over at kyle just to see him get up and bolt out of the cafeteria.

"kyle wait..!!" I shout behind him, trying not to fall over the array of tables i was running past.

he burst through the cafeteria doors and so did i shortly, i could hear distant footsteps thumping infront of me

"kyle please! we can just talk this out" i plead, still chasing after him, i knew i was getting closer.

eventually i lost him, and resorted to just walking around and calling out his name once in a while. I could hear someone.

soon enough i found him crying under the stairs in the fetal position. he looked away from me as i sat next to him.

"im so sorry cartman did that, it wasnt okay" i start, not knowing what else to say

he awkwardly curls up more, avoiding eye contact, silent.

"and im sorry for doing that when i was drunk, i understand why you didn't tell me"

kyle looks round to me, our eyes locking, green and blue, emerald and sapphire.

"I figured that if you knew things would be awkward between us," kyle mutters, his voice wavering "it's the same reason that i haven't told you that i like you"


"h-huh?" I stammer, literally not being able to process what has just been said to me.

"i like you dude." he repeats, his voice barely above a whisper, his words barely coherent

I stare at him, mouth agape, mind racing

"I get it if you think im a total weirdo" he says, wiping his eyes "i knew it was only gonna be a matter of time until you found out, but im sorry that our friendship had to go out like this. you don't have to hang around, you can leave if you want to."

leave? is he hearing himself?

I throw my arms around him in a long and warm embrace, and after i pull away, he simply says "why?"

"because kyle, i like you too" i tell him, a stupid smile plastered on my face, "I genuinely can't believe that you like me too"

"thats not true" he chuckles, waiting for me to back him up on that, but when i dont, he just fully turns to face me and stares at me, "what?"

"I like you kyle, i like you a whole lot"

he smiles and laughs lightly, he does that when hes really truly happy. god i love him so much.

can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now