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We were walking to defense against the dark arts class and I wasn't at all excited for this class, i mean who would be excited to find their deepest darkest fear? Not me

Walking in we found a wardrobe in Front that was shaking.

"What's in there?" Someone questioned.

"It's a boggart. Can anyone tell us what a boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin asked.

I raised my hand immediately. "yes, Miss Potter?"

"No one knows. Boggarts are Shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person Fears most. That's what makes it so terrifying." I answered. "

Yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!"

"RiddiKulus!" The class chanted.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco muttered earning a hard elbow to his stomach.

"Good. So much For the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really Finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to Force it to assume a shape you Find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?" Neville stepped up to the Front sheepishly.

"What would you say is the thing that Frightens you most?" Lupin asked and Neville mumbled something. "What was that?"

"Professor Snape." Neville choked out and the class laughed. They talked for a while then professor Lupin stood besides him and they both took out there wands.

"Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three!" Lupin said and opened the door,
Severus came out walking to Neville.

"Think. Neville. Think." Lupin said.

"R-Riddkulus." Neville said and Severus was wearing his grandma's clothes while everyone in the class laughed.

"Excellent! Now everyone form a line, Neville to the back." Lupin instructed and started playing some music.

Everyone Formed a line pushing Draco, Theo and I to the back.

"What do you think yours will turn into?" I turned to them

" Dunno " they both shrugged, but they clearly knew what their boggarts would be. It was all visible in their eyes.

I decided to use Legilimens on them, it would be a good practice plus I could see if I was strong enough to cast another barrier of Occlumency shields.

' It'll probably be the dungeon with that man ' I heard Theo's thought. filled with panic, hate and a want for revenge.

I shouldn't have used Legilimens. Just as I casted it, I was sucked into Theo's memories of being tortured. Hit by cruciatus curses, diffindo's on his back, being binded by ropes as the man drowned him in a pool of water.

Panting, I tried to focus on the man and saw a similar pair of blue eyes. The same one's Theo has.

Rage filled every brim of my body as I tried to convince myself that this was just a memory. But, it didn't work. It was a memory, not a thought

A memory of a thirteen year old. Who knows for how long he had been abused by his father.

Good thing Theo had already been disowned and was out of that hell, because I would surely unleash my wraith and that would be worse than the darkest pits of Tartarus.

Coming out of his memories, I saw Theo who suddenly Squatted to the ground and placed his head between his legs. He was shaking and on the brink of crying.

He saw everything I saw. I should not have used Legilimens on him, even the excuse of ' I didn't know ' would work because it was clearly my fault.

I squatted next to him and tried calling his name. He was physically abused and touching him would only worsen the situation.

" Theo, Theo, Theodore " I softly called until he looked up.

His eyes completely red and tears glistening at the corners of his eyes

" Please, I won't do it again. Please father, spare me. I'll not cry " He chocked on his words.

" Theo it's me, Camelia " I tried to snap him from his hallucinations again. I would say it worked because he wiped his face and tried to hide his face, seemingly afraid that I'll ask questions.

I gently touched his shoulders to which he flinched but relaxed, helping him stand up I sneaked us out the classroom, trailing our way towards the forbidden forest

Sliding down under a tree, Theo started crying his heart out. He would occasionally flinch when I'd pat him.

Theo pulled me towards him and held me close as if I were a bird who'd fly right this second.

" You don't have to tell me " I ran my fingers through his hair

" But I want to " He said, his head still buried on my shoulder.

" That man has been torturing me since I was five. First he'd test out new spells on me, then this summer when he got to know about you. It was the worst week. I was starved, tortured everyday and I have already been branded as nothing more than a slave. " He said lifting his shirt to show all the scars dorned on his chest.

Fury ran through me as I traced all the scars along his upper body. How dare he. My rage though soon changed to guilt. He had his worst week because he was friends with me, it happened because I exist

" I'm so sorry" I said not knowing when I started crying

" Why are you sorry? "

" You were tortured because you are friends with me " I cried hugging him from his neck

" Don't be, if not you he'd find another reason to torture me. It's not your fault" he murmured stroking my hair " tu seras toujours ce seul péché que je ne suis jamais coupable d'avoir commis "

I don't know what he said but I think he tried to tell me I shouldn't feel bad that it was my fault.

" We should get back to the class " Theo said

" No, let's skip it. Let's just stay here like this. Just for a while more "

( Translation - you'll always be that one sin i'm never guilty of committing )

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