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It was dark. That eye-scratching, bone chilling darkness. That endless, ball of black, those infinite bad deeds, all woven together.

I don't know how long I've been here. Days? Weeks? Months? Dunno. It's the same here. There's no day, no night. Only the empty vastness all around.

Occasionally, I'd hear a voice. A whisper at first and now, it speaks.

Only my name, though.


There. It spoke again. It was a weird way to pronounce my name. An American accent I haven't heard in a long time.

Even in this empty infinity, I could tell there was still motion. I could feel it sometimes.

Like right now.

Either my eyes were playing tricks on me, or I was actually seeing a girl, younger than me, standing right in front of me.

She seemed familiar. Very familiar infact.

"Do you remember me?"


"I see you don't" she frowned "don't you remember your past? How you looked like? What was your name?"

My name? What was it?

I racked through my brain for any answer, Peeked everywhere but, there was a glitch in my brain.

I couldn't remember anything related to my past. I know I died and came back as Camelia Potter. But, who was I before that?

I had no answers

A sting spread through my body. It made me rooted to the ground. I found myself unable to look around.

I was forgetting my past

And, I would be forgetting the plotline too.

No. No, that couldn't be

"You're really pitiful, you know that?" A new voice snarked.

Fendi-fire hair and forest eyes. I almost mistaked her for mum, until I saw the lighting bolt scar that cursed her forehead.

That was me, from my dream.

She was my future.

"Who are you?" She asked boredly

"I am you?" I questioned back, confused

"Your name"

"Camelia Potter"

"And before that?" She smiled

"I....I don't remember" I admitted

"Accept us"

Huh? Accept who?

"Accept your past. Your soul is too broken. Accept us, You wouldn't want to walk the same steps again. You'll forget everything" she held her hand out

"What do you mean, past?"

Wasn't she supposed to be my future? The dreams and even now, she looked so old. She couldn't be my past even if she were eleven years old.

The dream me laughed heartily. Her cheeks turned red from the lack of oxygen and her eyes watered with how hardly she laughed.

"Your past. If you were born twice, why can't you be born thrice" she grasped my hand. "Look at yourself. You are broken"

And she was right.

From my heart, to my hands, I held cracks that looked like roots under the soil. I was whole, but not at the same time. There were parts of me missing, like a few puzzel pieces you lost long ago. So, now you're used to seeing the broken picture.

I glanced at her hand, it was broken too. Broken in a way that fit me. The puzzel pieces that I had long forgotten made the whole picture.

I took her hand

And was immediately whisked into thousands of memories. None of which were mine. None of which I remembered

"It's not my fault!!" A young Camelia cried, her hand clutching her hair and her cheeks stained with tears. Her eyes were red and had long stopped crying.

"Shut up!" A palm flew to her cheeks, staining them red as a trickle of blood dropped down her chin.

Petunia really hated her.

The memory then suddenly changed

"Potter, Camelia" McGonagall called

Camelia shook nervously as she walked towards the sorting hat. Her head felt heavy and she could hear her heart beating on her ears.

Her vision darkened when the sorting hat was placed on her head. She pleaded to be with her brother but, fate sort of had a different plan.


Slides of memories ran past Lia's eyes. Most of them blurred and most of them black. It felt sort of like a movie on fast pace.

She caught a few where she was crying.

And a few from her dreams.

Perhaps, the older her knew she was in no state to watch those dreams again. So, she forwarded them. Until, the memories finally stopped

"You lied to me" Camelia cried. Her hair was a tree, who's roots had no direction. Her eyes were a swampy green, busted lips and a pale face.

"My dear. You'll find, I'm the only one who has never lied to you"  A pale, snake like hand touched her cheeks, squishing it with a undesirable force. "It was you, who lied to me" Voldemort chuckled lightly "You know how much I despise liars."

Camelia tightened her hold on her wand, aiming it right at Voldemort's head. "You killed him"

"I suppose" Voldemort swatted her wand away "You'll find, I have no place for rebels"

"I'll kill you" She seethed

"I'll be waiting" Voldemort laughed merrily "And I'll kill you the same way I killed your brother and that boy"

Camelia held back a sob, her eyes rapidly changing from black - to green - to red. She aimed her wand, dismissing the pain she felt on her ribs. She failed to interpret the aching around her neck and the fact she could no longer breathe as before

"this isn't over yet.....not till I have your head on my wall"

Green light colided with her frame

And I lost my footing, falling right on top of the other girl

"You're lying" I glared daggers at my older self.

"How could I lie? You've read the future" Her older self smiled "You're accepting us" she locked eyes with me and touched my hair

"You've got to wake up now"


Sorry, short chapter.....

Any ideas what's gonna happened next? I love reading your theories

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