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The summer went by pretty quickly

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The summer went by pretty quickly.

Just the day after Sirius's freedom, Daily prophet had published a two page long report about it.

One - critising the wizarding law enforcement department

And, Me ofcourse

I didn't realise I would be a hot topic for just attending my godfather's trial.

I guess that's what comes out of being famous for having dead parents.

( " Her humour is just as broken as you "  Lily side-eyed James

" It's genetic" James innocently pointed to his father, Fleamont Potter laughing at a muggle getting beaten by his wife )

The worst part was when I was just strolling around Diagon alley and a bunch of reporters with huge ass cameras and lights popped in front of me out of nowhere.

Thankfully Harry dragged me out.

I don't think I say him ' I love you ' enough for helping me out.

Oh yes, Aunt Petunia almost had a heart attack when Remus, Sirius and I went for Harry.

She screached so hard, I can affirm blood came out my ears.

All summer we blasted songs on the muggle radio Remus had bought and trying baking new things.

Which really went well. If you don't count almost setting Wulburga Black's potrait on fire.

Since then Kreacher never left the kitchen when Sirius and I were in.

And, we had to permanently silencio Wulburga since she found out about me being " The Blood traitor Potter's Spawn "

Good riddance honestly.

Well that's enough about the Summer. Guess what?

We're going to Quidditch world cup !!

And right now, the four of us were walking to Stoatshead Hill, were halfway through we'll be meeting the Weasleys and then Pretty boy Digorry .

We reached the burrow as early as 3 in the morning.

Wobbling and swaying on our feet. Harry and I were still pretty sleepy and would want nothing more than a mattress and blanket

" Oh hello dearies! " Molly's cheerful voice snapped me from my sleepy thoughts

" Mama Molly!! " I ran to hug her. My hairs all blond and eyes golden out of the happiness.

Molly chuckled and hugged me back with the same strength

" Are the boys up " I asked mimicking George

" Not yet, do me a favour and wake them up please" she sighed

I turned to Harry and shared a grin

( " I know that look !!! "  James Squealed)

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