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Sirius, Remus and I were all standing in front of 12 giremaulad palace that Sirius didn't even want to enter

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Sirius, Remus and I were all standing in front of 12 giremaulad palace that Sirius didn't even want to enter. But, still came because I insisted.

Walking along the halls, I could hear the noises of disbelief that left Sirius

" This is not giremaulad palace. This place is white, not balck " he pointed to the freshly painted walls and the new floorboards

" Ofcourse it is not, I did tell you that I made it habitable" I grinned at him.

" Good evening Mistress" Kreacher popped in front of me

" Good evenings Kreacher. Is dinner read? I'm starving"

" Ofcourse mistress will starve. You missed lunch " he crossed his arms

I gave Kreacher a sly smile and slipped to Regulus's room

Changing my clothes I went down to living room where Sirius and Remus were drinking firewhiskey.

I tried to steal some but Remus smacked my hand away glaring at me.

" You are just fourteen "

" You are speaking as if you didn't literal sell drugs at Hogwarts in your third year "

Moony's glare faltered and turned to that of embarrassment

" Who told you? "

" Hah! So i was right" I smirked in victory taking a sip from Sirius's bottle

Remus glared again " go finish your dinner "

" Don't be a sour wolf Moony "

I was eating my dinner in the living room, occasionally listening to Padfoot's and Moony's conversation.

" Why did Kreacher call you mistress, Flutters? " Sirius asked me

" I told him I was Regulus Black's daughter and made up some sob story " I shrugged slurping my noodles

" Why Regulus and why are you calling her Flutters? " Monny asked in confusion

" To your second question" I stood up and transformed into my butterfly

Transforming back I saw the surprised face of Remus

" When? "

" Last year " I shrugged

" And to answer your first question. Regulus Black was respected by Kreacher and to live peacefully without Walburger shouting profanities at me, Regulus was the best option. If I had told Sirius, I would neither have the respect nor the peace "

" Slytherin" Sirius coughed

" But still, that deatheater brother of mine" Sirius grumbled

" You know what " I frowned. Regulus was one of my favourite characters, no one disrespects him like this.

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