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Since Sirius had no reason to break into the boys dorms, we happily, did not have to spend our night in the great hall, and considering how cold it has gotten. I would hate to leave my bed.

Anyways, The golden trio was out doing whatever they were in Hogsmeade and us " The platinum trio " as I like to call, were trying to find more hidden passages in the castle.

" CERRYY, DRAYYY " Theo yelled from the other side of the hall

Running, I saw him grinning at a potrait that looked like it had been traumatized by Theo

I don't even want to know what he told or did to the portrait.

" There's a passageway here " he said as the potrait jumped away from his finger revealing a narrow way.

We three jumped in as the road suddenly ended


" HOW COULD I HAVE " Theo yelled back

We slided through the way and were suddenly smashed into a wall.

With red heads and definitely a few broken bones, we got up and tapped out wands on the wall as it opened to reveal a wine celler.

" Where are we " I questioned and looked around

Just as Draco was about to yell at Theo again, the door to the celler creaked.

I panicked and threw my invisibility cloak on top of myself and the other two, who sat down, pulling me on their lap to match our heights.

I would have blushed badly if I wasn't so scared for my life right now.

The door opened to reveal madam Rosmerta coming in, humming a tune as she filled a few glasses and went back.

I breathed out a sigh of relief

Still under the cloak, we made our way towards a group of Vampires who sat there chugging their firewhiskey.

I saw them raising their brows at our arrival but did not comment. Which I was very grateful for.

A little while later, one of them started to talk to us and asked questions about how things are today.

I really tired to resist my urge to ask some questions.

But then, I'm only human.

" Is it true you would die from a wooden stake through your heart? "

The vamps looked at me and then started laughing loudly.

" Is that what is being told nowadays? " One of them blurted out

" It's not true " second one wheezed

" So, are you guys created or born? " Theo continued

" Both "

 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚆𝙸𝙽 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙺𝙽𝙴𝚆 Where stories live. Discover now