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I woke up to the sensation of something warm and wet on my face. My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself staring into the bright, curious eyes of a dog. It was a handsome creature, its fur shimmering like a starlit night, and it wore a friendly expression that seemed to say 'good morning!'

"Umm..... Goodmorning?" I smiled and the dog licked my face again.

Happily, I scratched the back of the dog's ears, looking around. I was still in the house, just before the door, sprawled on the floor.

A frown made it's way on my face. That fucking Tom Riddle. Who the fuck does he think he is? I'll bloody kill him.

My eyes sting from how suddenly I opened but I liked it. It made me feel ......normal?

"Stars!" I heard a man call out, and I sat up, pushing the dog away gently. My head spun as I took in my surroundings. I looked around, but the man was nowhere to be seen.

A few moments later, I heard footsteps crunching on the gravel outside. The door creaked open, and a man walked in, his hair carefully combed back, a gaunt look on his face, and icy eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. He was well-dressed, and he had a packet of something that smelled delicious in his hand.

"So here you are," he said coldly, his voice betraying the relief in his eyes. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I looked at him. Who was he, and what did he want from me?

Or Maybe, I'm just overthinking. He could mean the dog....stars

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Your benefactor," he shrugged, calling the dog to his side.

"And you expect me to trust you?" I scoffed, feeling a bit irked at the way he tried to baby me. I had done just fine without any adult intervention till now. And for godssake he could be a Death Eater.

"Believe what you want," he said, "but you shouldn't stay here. It's dark."

His words irritated me, and I bristled at his implication that I couldn't take care of myself. But there was something about the way he looked at me, something that seemed almost concerned, that made me pause.

I looked around, I realized that he was right. The house was dark and cold, and I didn't have any supplies to last me through the night.

"I'll stay here," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest.

Honestly, I didn't really know how I got out of the graveyard but I wasn't complaining and if I could come out alive from there, I could very well stay alive here.

And it's better than trusting a literal stranger.

"Very well," he nodded, "make yourself home." He turned the other way and waved a goodbye while walking.

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