entry nine - session one

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I'm sitting underneath a tree. There's this very tall green person (perhaps another fish, they do look like Henley after all....) with a white horse. They look nervous.

I would go check,  but they don't look interested in talking...

People are still staring.

I feel wrong.

I heard a scream. I'll go look.


Holy smoke.

So Mx Not-A-Fish, their name is Evian, came over with me and we fought these bad people(?)
Also met Verr (Vehr, Veyr, Ver.... I dont know how to spell her name. She and Evian got along because they have the same magic.)

That's reminds me, as a guppie I always admired my dad. He's a Warlock, he was always helping the village with stuff, I told him I wanted to be magic like him.

He looked at me sadly, I think, and shook his head. Told me to be myself.


Oh right.

We got to meet Verr's kiddo[s] and polycule.

Tal is nice :)

Evian's horse - Sybil :], does not like me :[ - ran off during the fight, so we went to find him and then found out he was horsenapped.

We stole Sybil back.

Well, it's not stealing if he belongs to us (well, Evian) I feel bad....

The stablehand was kind of nice.


We're at Tal's family inn (all of Tal's family are sweet. There's Verr, Drystan, Minachor and Lyra (Lyra is a little baby, she's so sweet)). Everyone's sleeping or fake-sleeping.

I feel better almost.

This is the beginning of my adventure.

I will make Edgar proud.

- mar

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