Chapter 4

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"Do you know what happens when," She gulped down, blinking fast, "Two people are in a motorcycle and the one in the middle falls from it?"

Minjeong looked at her, sighing.

"There's no one in the middle if there's two-"

"Exactly!-" Jimin said, excited, before breaking out in loud laughter.

Jimin was drunk. They were coming back from a birthday party held for Ryujin's friend. Somehow the celebration extended to a nightclub and Jimin had too much alcohol. She would stumble around, crack bad jokes and just laugh at whatever thing she saw. Ryujin's friends had offered themselves to help Minjeong take her home, but she refused initially. One of Ryujin's classmates who hadn't had alcohol stepped in and gave them a ride back home, which Minjeong had to admit, had been very helpful.

"No, no, I have a better one-" She announced, stepping in front of her, nearly falling down the step of the stairs, but Minjeong held her arms tightly, "Oopsie, thank you for that," She said, giving her a soft smile, "Okay, so what do you call a cone in a street?"

Jimin giggled.

"Youuu're a hazard, Harry!"

Minjeong just shook her head and chuckled, holding her as both climbed up the flight of stairs, reaching their floor. She kept laughing all the time.

"Jimin, the neighbors will get mad. Don't be so loud-"

"-Oh," She said, her laughter turning to giggles, "Right."

"Your keys."

She blinked and rubbed her eyes, before she started fumbling with her fingers around the inside of her purse. After what seemed like an eternity to Minjeong, she finally handed Minjeong the keys to her apartment. Se sighed and opened her door, opening it for her.

"Good night, Jimin."

Jimin just stood still on her spot, looking at her as Minjeong opened her own door. She opened the door and stared back at her as she saw Jimin just standing there.

"...You're not-"

"-Yeah, sorry," She muttered, before she laughed awkwardly.

She entered inside of her apartment, but quickly went outside as she heard the loud noise of someone stumbling and falling down on the floor.

"Jimin," She said, pulling her up from the floor after finding her sitting down on the floor, a hand on her head, "Are you okay?"

She lift her left hand on the air and shook her head slightly, "I'm...-Oops-," She muttered in surprise, near falling down again, "...Oh fuck."

Minjeong looked at her, surprised. In the months they had known each other, she had never heard her curse. She was friends with her, but she always tried to be polite in front of Minjeong and other people.

"...Come, I'll get you some water," She said, side hugging her and entering her apartment. She closed her door with her hand, briefly turning around, and guided Jimin towards the couch. Jimin giggled and leaned up, quickly kissing the corner of her lips. She stopped on her tracks and looked at her, seeing as she laughed and bit her lip.

"What's wrong with you-"

"-You're blushing," Jimin added, before breaking out in laughter, "...Then that means that-Yah!"

"It means that you're drunk, sit-" She said, putting her down on the couch after having lifted her up.

She held tight on her arms, turning her head to the side.

"What-Oh for god's sake," She muttered in despair, seeing as she threw up on her carpet.

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