Chapter 88

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"It's amusing-"

"-Cut the crap."

Jeno chuckled, looking at Jimin with a smirk on his lips. Jimin wished she could snatch it off with a punch; but she knew she was too good for that. Yes, he had hurt her in the most imaginable and unimaginable ways; but she couldn't allow herself to lower down to his level, and do the same things he would do. She just couldn't let her mind do such a thing.

"I don't know...I was...Just wondering. Wondering how you were doing."

Jimin shook her head.

"You're such a fucking bastard."

"Glad to know you still love me as you did."

She looked at him in disbelief, dismissing the curious looks they were getting from the other employees who were also getting their coffee breaks in the bank's headquarters' cafeteria.

"...Love you?"

Jeno reclined his back on the chair, smirking at Jimin as he took a sip of coffee. Jimin scoffed and shook her head from side to side, laughing at his comment. His remarks were going too far and she didn't know if she would be able to hold it in for much longer. Her self-control was slowly slipping away and disappearing completely.

"I hate you more than the Bible hates Satan-"

"-Woah," Jeno started, smiling as he paused the cup of coffee in the table just in front of him, "I knew you were a person with intense feelings but holy shit, you're really something when it comes to hating someone, aren't you?"

Jimin didn't even dare to answer. His arrogance was pissing off every single one of her nerves.

"You almost killed me and my daughter, how do you want me to treat you? Like the blue blooded prince? The knight in shiny armor? Do you seriously think I'd appreciate you? The tiniest bit-?"

"-Says that the girl who wanted to get fucked by me before she found a random cheapstake."

Jimin tried her best not to lash out at him. What he had just said was something that wasn't false; and that was immensely revolting for her. To only think that she had once truly loved that man, to think that she had almost given her innocence out to him. To think that, in the past, she used to think he was the man of her dreams, the future father of her children, the most caring husband in the world...She just wondered what had happened to the sweet Jeno she knew in the past. Jimin only wished she had never met the monster that was sitting across her.

"You were my boyfriend and we were quite stable at the time. Of course I would have thought of having sex with you."

"Aw. That touched my heart-"

"-If you don't shut up now I swear to god that I'll slap that fucking face you have-"

"-Try it. Try it and you'll see who'll get hurt," He muttered, before he got up from his seat and left her alone, a smirk on his face.

"Oh, you're home."

Jimin smiled briefly at Minjeong, who was laying down on the left side of their bed, her legs and waist covered up by the duvet and the sheets and her back leaning on a pillow that was put up against the headboard of the bed. Her legs were bent, as she was reading a book and, consequently, pausing it against her knees.

"Hello Win," Jimin whispered, entering inside of their dressing room briefly to leave her shoes there, "Are you sick again?"

Minjeong sighed, adjusting her reading glasses and flipping through the pages of the book, "My fever went up so I laid down on bed. Minji wanted to play so I put her in there," She said, pointing to the playing crib near the window.

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