Chapter 59

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"Alright Mi Joon, how did your first day of school go by?"

"I really liked it, eomma. They are so nice."

Kazuha smiled in satisfaction and poked his cheek cutely.

"Did you have an asthma attack?"

"No, eomma."

"Okay. But you know you really need to carry your Ventolin around, don't you?"

The little boy nodded effusively, listening intently to his adoptive mother's advice. Kazuha couldn't be more glad that the little boy was self-conscious of his illness and self-aware of its dangers. She was glad that, despite his young age, he already was so responsible.

She sighed and nodded.

"You're such a responsible kid, honey. Now, sit down on that chair and do your homework. I'll make you something to eat, okay?" Kazuha said excitedly, seeing the little boy nodding happily with a wide smile. She giggled and leaned up, pausing her hands on her waist as the young boy walked over to a table, pausing his backpack above the table, sitting down on the chair by its side.

She sighed and walked towards the counter of the bar, cleaning it as she happily saw the other customers chatting; and her adoptive son focused on his homework. The door opened and she glanced towards it, smiling widely as she saw the young Ning entering inside of her bar.

"Ning ah, good afternoon!"

Ning sighed happily and approached the counter of the bar, crossing her arms as she leaned on the counter.

"Hello unnie. Came here to have a quick snack~"

Kazuha giggled, "I have fresh Hotteok. Do you want some?"

Ning giggled devilishly, nodding her head effusively. Kazuha laughed at her reaction and shook her head, as if she was amused with the younger's reaction to her words.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you in an instant then," She said, flashing her usual bright smile, before she looked over, "Mi Joon ah!"

The little boy looked up from his book and notebook, blinking his eyes quickly, "Yes eomma?"

Ning blinked quickly, realizing right away that the little boy was the child that Kazuha and Yunjin had adopted. She gasped and covered her mouth, quickly looking back from Kazuha back and forth to the little boy.

"Do you want some Hotteok, honey?"

The little boy nodded, pursing his lip.

Kazuha lowered her view down, but it wouldn't be for too long, as Ning's curiousness couldn't stop the younger from asking a billion things to the older female.

"Omo, you already have Mi Joonie at home?"

Kazuha looked up, pursing her lips and smiling softly, "Yes. Today was his first day at school."

Ning leaned in slightly, "Do you think I can talk with him?"

"Of course. He's quite shy, maybe he'll be a little bit quiet. But, you know. Speaking to strangers can help him."

Ning nodded and leaned off of the counter, turning around and approaching the table the little kid was sitting at. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans, and his hair was a little long, just enough to cup his face, and black. Ning couldn't help but notice the parka hanging on the chair. His eyes were glued down on the book, as his left hand tightly grabbed the pencil, a rubber on his right hand as he carefully wrote down some numbers on his notebook.

"Can I sit down with you, Mi Joon ah?"

The little boy looked up at the young woman curiously, his sharp, chocolate brown eyes staring at her intently in uttermost curiosity. Ning found a somewhat familiar tinge in them, but she just couldn't point out her finger at it.

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