chapter three | new friends and crushes

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            IT WAS A new day of college and Tara's excitement never disappeared. She was still as happy as can be. Even more, now that she made a new friend. Tara sat with her friends at their new regular spot under the tree that sat near the theater hall.

The group just continued to go on and on about how excited they were for classes. Y/n however, was already over it.

From what Y/n had observed, her friends had never seen Tara this happy before. She wondered why that was. If she found out, would it be something she'd have to report to Sam? The more she thought about it she realized she should keep it to herself, she's already lying, might as well hide stuff too.

Y/n heard someone call her name from a distance but she was too zoned out to tell who it could have been. It's been four days and this was already getting to her, her sister would tell her to move on since she already accepted the job. As she zoned back in, she realized the person calling her name was Tara. The girl that was right next to her. "Yeah, what's up?" Y/n questioned with a confused expression, unaware of what's been happening.

Tara looked at her with a concerned look in her eyes, she worried for her friend. "Everything okay?" She asked her, the concern in her voice becoming very noticeable. The group stared at her, the same concerned look on their faces. She was drawing attention to herself. She had to move it somewhere else.

How was she gonna pull that off? "Are you guys free to hang out today?" Y/n questioned, completely avoiding the question.

"Why are you avoiding the question?" Chad asked her curiously, almost accusatory. What would be possibly accusing her of? All eyes were on her again but she was just looking at Chad, trying to form an answer.

A believable one at that.

"How can you avoid a question you didn't hear?" Y/n asked, a slight attitude coming out. She stood up and collected her things. Tara looked up at her with a look on her face like she did something wrong. "You know what, I gotta go to class." She spoke annoyedly before turning to Tara to grin at her reassuringly and taking off toward the building for her class.

Tara looked over at Chad, giving him the death glare. "What did I do?" He asked with a confused tone.

"You talked to her like you were accusing her of something."

"It was kinda mean, Chad," Mindy spoke up, agreeing with Tara. "You gotta work on your people skills."

Chad rolled his eyes before starting a conversation about anything else. He promised he would apologize later so they would finally leave him alone about it. That wouldn't work forever though.

Y/n sat in Kane's restaurant with her friends, talking about recent events and the hangout she pulled off last minute. They seemed fairly surprised with everything she's accomplished so far. Truthfully, they didn't think she could pull it off.

Somehow she did.

They had speeches prepared for when she failed. They didn't know what to say now, they were speechless. "How'd you get Kane to agree to help you?" Ethan questioned, slightly unconvinced. He didn't believe it. Then again, he didn't believe a lot of things.

"I kinda told him that if he helped me I'd stay out of the apartment all day," Y/n replied, now regretting her choice of words. She could have promised anything else like working for free. She didn't do that though. "I'm gonna need somewhere to stay for the night."

"You can stay with us."

Y/n smiled at the offer before turning to look at Anika. She seemed spaced out like she was distracted by something. She had a smile on her face. Maybe she was crushing on someone or she was picturing herself at her dream job again.

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now