chapter four | one down, two to go

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            AFTER A FEW days of asking around, Y/n finally had the plan to get Anika and Mindy together. This had to be her best plan to date. Her new friend group had arrived at an amusement park, ready to play games and ride as many rides as they could. Y/n was waiting for Anika to show up.

Tara and her new friend were walking around with ice cream cones in their hands. A laugh escaped from Y/n's lips, caused by a story that Tara was telling her about her life in Woodsboro.

She laughed so hard that she almost dropped her ice cream. "There's no way in hell that you didn't notice it," Y/n spoke with a laugh. "It was right in front of you." She pointed out, laughing harder to the point that she started crying. People were starting to stare at Y/n's hysterical laughter. She was laughing like a hyena.

Tara nodded as she held back a laugh at her own story. "When you're mid-race with your friends you don't take the time to notice dogs dressed as celebrities." She explained, soon letting her laugh escape. "Especially dogs dressed like Elvis Presley."

After a moment of straight laughter, Y/n finally stopped laughing to wipe the tears from her eyes. She checked her phone to find out that Anika had arrived, she was waiting near the front of the amusement park. Perfect.

"I'll be right back, I gotta check on something." She spoke and glanced over at Tara with a grin. "Stay right here." She quickly ran toward the entrance to look for her friend.

She looked around the area, trying to spot her friend.

Once she spotted her friend that was waving her down, she approached Anika with a grin, soon pulling her in for a quick hug. "This way, I know you're gonna love her." She reassured happily. Her friend nodded, soon following behind her.

The two walked around the park talking about a few things that Mindy liked. Like Tara, it was horror movies. She was a horror movie expert, that was all Anika needed to know, and maybe a few other things like her favorite food or something. She could figure that out on her own.

They found Mindy by the arcade, looking down at her phone. These kids and their phones. They always got their noses stuck in them. "Mindy, hey!" Y/n spoke excitedly as she approached one of her new friends. "This is my friend Anika, the one I've been telling you about."

The two looked at each other and smiled before introducing themselves. Y/n smiled proudly and made her way back to Tara, task one was complete. Just a few more people to distract and then the plan can go into full effect.

One down, two to go.

Y/n and Tara watched their friends from afar, trying to figure out if they like each other or not. From the looks of it, everything was going great. They were laughing, smiling, and playfully hitting each other on the arm.

Things were going great.

Once they felt like they'd seen enough, they walked in the opposite direction toward a snack booth. "Did you have anything to do with that?" Tara questioned, curious how they met and got along so quickly.

Y/n nodded with a grin, Tara eventually grinned back at her. "My friend had a crush on Mindy so I helped her out." She admitted before ordering a snow cone and pulling out a few dollars to pay. "Do you want one?"

"Yeah, sure. I gotta hand it to you though, I never expected you to pull that off."

Her grin quickly dropped once she realized what was happening. This was two tricks she's pulled off now, she was turning into her sister. That was the last thing she wanted. She loved her sister but she didn't want to be her, the master of tricks and excuses. She always knew what to say or do to get what she wanted.

She knew she shouldn't have accepted this job from a stranger. Especially a stranger she had talked to twice.

"I just wanted my friend to be happy." She spoke, mainly reminding herself that's what she was doing. This had nothing to do with Tara and the job she was given. This was about Anika and only Anika.

"That's sweet of you." Tara smiled and then nudged her friend's arm playfully.

Y/n smiled once again and made her way toward the Ferris wheel. Tara followed behind her, wondering where she was going till she finally saw it. The ride she's talked about the whole time they were there.

They were seated and secured on the ride and then it started. Y/n looked out at the view, admiring the colors of yellow, orange, and red from the sunset. It was one of the most beautiful things she's ever seen. It was a great distraction from her current situation with the whole Tara thing.

That was until Tara pulled Y/n's attention away with a bunch of questions. "Got any favorite books?" She asked curiously.

"It by Stephen King."

She had to stick to the horror theme if she wanted to stay close friends with Tara. She was so glad she did some form of research all day, she didn't want to be unprepared. One little slip-up and it's game over.

That was the last thing she wanted.

The group ended up going their separate ways although Tara ended up dragging Y/n home with her. She still wanted to hang out with her, there was more she wanted to learn about her.

She saw a true friend in her.

The two walked into the apartment of the Carpenter sisters to find Tara's sister, Sam, with their neighbor, Danny. They were watching a movie. Was she in a relationship already? "What's going on here?" Tara questioned as she motioned toward her sister and neighbor on the couch, his arm wrapped around Sam.

Sam was quick to stand up and clear her throat, soon scratching her neck nervously. "Absolutely nothing, who is this?" She spoke, trying to turn the attention away from her and Danny.

"This is my new friend, Y/n."

Y/n waved at the couple with a nervous grin. This was getting awkward, someone had to say something soon. "We're gonna take some snacks and go to my room," Tara spoke up and made her way toward the kitchen. She grabbed as many snacks as she could carry and then went to her room, Y/n followed behind her.

Y/n opened the door for her to reveal an empty room, with only a tv, bed, and bedside tables inside. "I'm sorry it's so empty, I'm still trying to find time to decorate." She explained and set the snacks down on her bed.

"No need to apologize, I get it." Y/n reassured and sat on the bed. She saw Tara grin and that was when she got an idea. Helps her with the job at hand. "I'm free tomorrow, I could help you out if you want." She offered with a shrug.

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking if I'm offering."

She thought about it for a moment, having an internal battle about accepting the help or not. She knew the help would be nice but she didn't want to be a bother.

What's the worst that could happen?

"Yeah, okay. You can stay here tonight and we can start tomorrow." She agreed. Y/n smiled happily and then went to tell her a few ideas she was already getting. Tara was loving every vision that Y/n described, she couldn't pick one until she finally did.

She just needed some supplies.

brooke speaks!

this story is super fun
to write! and as always
hoping for no mistakes

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now