chapter six | party time

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            THE TWO ARRIVED at the frat party at around 9 pm. The party had started an hour ago, Tara took a while to get ready. As they approached the house, the smell of the drinks and the loud music became very noticeable. This was a frat party.

They walked inside to find their friends sitting together on one of the couches, drinks in their hands. Y/n wondered how they were able to have a conversation under these conditions. It was too loud for her to hear her thoughts. The two looked at each other with smiles, some more real than others, soon approaching their friends.

Y/n waved to get their attention and then glanced over at Tara. "If it's too loud then we can go home." She spoke, practically shouting for Tara to hear her over the loud music. By the happy look on Tara's face, she could tell that she wasn't ready to go home. If she were being completely honest with herself, she was starting to regret this party thing. She'd rather be home watching Spongebob or something.

"Hey, guys!" Mindy spoke happily and moved a bit to make more room for Y/n and Tara. The moment they sat down, Chad had come out of the kitchen to hand them their drinks. "You guys are looking cute with the matching costumes. Almost like a real couple." She teased which caused the group to chuckle.

"No offense to Y/n or anything, but I couldn't see her like that," Tara spoke honestly, louder than usual to be heard over the music. "I'm just not looking for a relationship right now."

"None taken, I understand."

Mindy looked at them with a raised eyebrow, she was not convinced. No one was convinced for that matter. "Are you sure? You two have been spending a lot of time together." Chad pointed out, everyone nodded in agreement. "You've even laughed at all of Y/n's jokes, even the horrible ones."

The longer her friends pointed stuff out, the quieter Tara got.

She wasn't sure if she was embarrassed or if they were right and she just realized that. Y/n had to do something about it though, she had to stop it. "How about we leave Tara alone, yeah?" She spoke up which made people go quiet for a moment and then change the subject.

Tara looked over at Y/n and smiled, she was thankful. "You didn't have to do that." She spoke before taking a sip of her drink. Y/n knew she could easily defend herself, she's seen her do it.

"And let them gang up on you like that? Nah." Y/n replied as seriously as she could. The two looked at each other with straight faces but couldn't do it for long. They burst out laughing, they couldn't take each other seriously. Everyone looked at them, assuming they had gone crazy or just had low tolerance.

For the remainder of the party, drinks were passed around, and the group danced and had fun. Tara had the time of her life without her sister there to control what she could and couldn't do. She truly felt alive.

That was all thanks to Y/n.

By morning, Y/n had been woken up by the bright and warm sun in her eyes. She looked around the room trying to identify her location. She had made it home, but how? The last she remembered was being at the party and dancing with Tara and their friends. They must have had too many.

She got the hint when the headache started. She felt a dip in the bed and looked over to find Tara next to her, sleeping. How did they get home?

She slowly yet carefully got out of bed to notice they were still in their costumes. What happened last night? She grabbed some comfortable clothes from her closet and made her way into the bathroom to change. She left some clothes out for Tara too, it felt like the nice thing to do.

Once she was changed and removed any makeup she had on, she left the bathroom and then her bedroom to look for her sister. She looked everywhere only to find Kane in the kitchen, making breakfast for three. "The party girl is finally awake." He spoke jokingly and looked back at her with a smile. Did he get them home? Did Rose know anything about this?

Y/n didn't think that could be possible. They hated each other, or it was one-sided hate. They never really established that. "How'd we get back here last night?" She questioned and then went to get a cup of coffee. It was well-needed.

"Well, you didn't come home and your sister wasn't home." He started as he plated the food, soon placing them on the table. "I called you and heard nothing but loud music so I found your location through Find My Friends and picked you up. Didn't want you to get in trouble with your sister."

After hearing those words, she realized that he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Now she understood what Rose saw in him. Y/n was quickly pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of Tara's voice. She had the same questions as Y/n. She turned to see Tara wearing the clothes that she had set out for her.

She thought that Tara looked better in them than she did.

They sat down to eat their breakfast and talk about what to do moving forward. Although she was listening to Kane, Y/n couldn't help but glance over at Tara. "Okay so, Rose knows nothing about this and we're gonna keep it that way," Kane stated and then took a bite of his waffle, his were blueberry. "And Tara, I never said anything to your sister either, all she knows is that you stayed here for the night."

"Thanks for not telling her. If she knew she would never let it go."

"I gathered that by the fact that you guys panicked when I got you."

Tara and Kane continued to talk but Y/n had spaced out. She was stuck on why she thought what she did about Tara. She's let friends borrow clothes before but she's never had that thought about them before, what made it different with Tara?

What was happening?

Hours after Tara had gone home, Y/n had left the apartment and started the walk to the nearby smoothie shop. She needed some space to think this through. Kane wouldn't let that happen though. He had chased after her, trying to get her attention.

Truthfully, he wanted to help her.

By the time he caught up to her, they had arrived at Y/n's destination. "Y/n, slow down for a second." He spoke as he followed her inside. She found her seat at her regular booth and began looking at the menu as if she didn't know what she wanted, she knew way before she left the apartment. "Wanna tell me what happened back there?" He questioned as he sat across from her.

When he received no answer, he pushed the menu down a bit with his finger and gave her a reassuring look. The type of look that says "Your sister won't know about this." He made sure to promise her that. "What was that look on your face when you looked at Tara?" He questioned once again.

As she was about to explain what she was thinking, the waitress walked over to take her order, it was the best delay she had ever asked for.

The second the waitress walked away, Kane was back to getting answers. "There was something Tara's friends said back at the party and it's been stuck on my mind." She admitted and sighed as if a weight has just been lifted from her shoulder, she's wanted to talk to someone about it since she remembered it. "They kinda teased Tara about her hanging out with me all the time and said she liked me."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I don't know."

He looked at her like he was unconvinced but he wasn't gonna say anything, he was gonna let it pass. "You have plenty of time but can I give you a piece of advice?" He questioned. Y/n nodded as the waitress brought over her smoothie. "Don't wait too long, the good ones always get away quickly." He spoke and stood up, soon placing money on the table to pay for the drink.

Once he was gone, Y/n was left alone with her thoughts. She had a lot of re-evaluating and thinking to do if she wanted to make sense of this, and some asking around. She could talk to Tara and ask her about it but she didn't want to make things awkward.

How was she feeling about this?

brooke speaks!

well guys, we are coming
close to the end of act one!
i'm so excited to start act two.
hoping for no mistakes 🤞

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now