chapter fourteen | concert day

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            FOR THE PAST hour, Y/n had sat in her room trying to get tickets for one of Tara's favorite bands. The band of choice is boygenius. It was one band that the two bonded over and she thought one of their concerts would be a great date idea, if she could get the tickets then she would know for sure by Tara's reaction.

Just like the time she tried getting Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, it was impossible. Tickets sold out quicker than she expected, especially after waiting in the queue this long. Although night one didn't work out, she checked prices and availability for night two to find floor tickets but of course, they cost a fortune.

"Holy shit! Why is everything so expensive?!" Rose heard her sister yell from the kitchen. She had to know what was making her sister react that way, even if it was over something stupid. She made her way toward her sister's room, hearing the groans of frustration as she tried to find reasonably priced tickets.

"Well, inflation has a huge part in price increases on things." Rose pointed out as she walked into the room. She glanced at the laptop screen and suddenly it made sense. Y/n had mentioned the idea a few weeks back but never got around to it till now. "Taking Tara on that date?" She asked curiously, seeing all the prices as Y/n clicked on a new seating option.

"From the looks of it, probably not." She replied and let out a sigh. "With everything being so damn expensive I can barely afford to take her to a nice restaurant let alone a concert." Her annoyance had shown more now than it did just five seconds ago, understandably so.

Rose knew how much this meant to Y/n. It wouldn't hurt to help her with ticket prices.

She might even get a favor in return.

"Here, I'll pay half the total price so you can have fun with your girlfriend," Rose spoke as she began to get her debit card out of her wallet which was in her pocket. "Just don't spend too much, we still need money to live." She spoke seriously before watching as her sister smiled excitedly.

Once the tickets were purchased, she quickly received the confirmation email. She wouldn't be telling Tara any of this for the element of surprise. That was her favorite part, she hoped that Tara would enjoy it.

"Y/n, I'm here to work on our homework!" She heard Tara yell as she entered the apartment. She mouthed a quick thank you to her sister before giving her the debit card back and going to greet her girlfriend.

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up." She teased, soon planting a kiss on her lips. The two smiled at each other and then went to Y/n's bedroom to do homework and study for an upcoming test. Just a few more days until concert day.

She couldn't wait to see Tara's reaction.

The two arrived at the stadium a few hours early to find the best parking spot. At this point, Y/n still hadn't said a single thing to Tara. She wasn't even sure why they were at the stadium. She knew there weren't any games for sports, she wasn't aware of any concerts.

She never really kept up with that stuff. She talked about going to one all the time but never watched for her favorite artists to go on tour, unlike Y/n.

Thanks to the help of her sister, Tara would finally get to experience the one thing she looked forward to for so long. "Okay, can you tell me why we're here now?" Tara begged for an answer as they made their way closer to the stadium.

Y/n acted like she was thinking, soon laughing as she watched Tara try to beg more for an answer. "So, I got some tickets for a band that I thought you'd like." She spoke, leaving a pause for dramatic effect. She soon saw the feeling of anticipation appear on Tara's face. The pause went on for a few more seconds before finally revealing what band they were seeing. "It's just this small band called boygenius." She smiled. Tara quickly began to fangirl and thank her girlfriend. She was talking at a very fast rate that made it impossible to understand what she was saying but Y/n managed to make out a few words and put the pieces together.

The lines were long and full of people chanting different lines from songs and talking to other fans about their favorite songs or favorite members.

The happy couple tried figuring out what they wanted to eat afterward, it was between a new diner and Kane's restaurant. "I think we should go to that diner. Kane's restaurant will be there tomorrow." Y/n pointed out which got Tara thinking till her phone started buzzing.

She was getting text messages.

"Give me one moment," Tara replied before pulling out her phone to answer the text. For a split second Y/n saw the contact name, it was Amber. "Okay, that's taken care of. Amber said hi by the way." She smiled as she put her phone in her pocket, the line soon moving into the stadium.

"What did she want?"

"Nothing, she just sent me something she thought was funny."

Y/n nodded and then the two began the search for their section. During the search, she questioned how Amber managed to get her timing almost perfect every time she would text. Something was going on, she just needed the proof.

She'll figure that out on a different day though.

The concert was over and now the couple is driving to that diner they discussed earlier. Music played through the speakers, the two singing along. The current fan favorite was Three Days Grace.

"Cause it's not too late, it's never too late!" They sang loudly as the song ended. They glanced over at each other with smiles on their faces, Y/n quickly looking back at the road. "So, was the concert what you hoped it would be?" Y/n asked curiously.

"It truly was." She replied with a grin and held onto her girlfriend's free hand. "Thank you for what might be the best date ever."

Y/n smiled as she brought her hand up to her lips to kiss her knuckles. The rest of the drive was full of conversation and laughs, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time and shared a few inside jokes. She could sit there and listen to Tara laugh for hours with no complaints, she'd make as many jokes as possible if it meant that Tara would never stop laughing.

They got to the diner around 11 pm that night. It was a late dinner for them.

Once they walked in, they sat in the closest booth and Y/n started looking at the menu. She was trying to choose between a burger and fries and a BLT with fries, she was getting fries with whatever she picked. "Should I get the burger or BLT?" She tried asking her girlfriend but when she got no answer she looked up to see Tara smiling at her phone. It was probably Amber again.

Y/n looked at her till she finally got her attention, it took a few minutes.

Tara looked at her, trying to figure out what she missed. "You were asking about your food weren't you?" She asked curiously. Y/n nodded, now waiting for an answer. "I would get the burger, it's more food for you and you get fries either way."

"Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome." She smiled as she turned off her phone and put it in her pocket. She was going to focus on Y/n, she was there with her. She knew how she had been feeling since Amber showed up and she was going to do anything she could to help her not feel like that. This was her girlfriend, after all, she wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt her.

She loved her too much.

brooke speaks!

act two is almost halfway
done, chapter fifteen is the
halfway mark. i will cry
if there are any mistakes

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now