chapter five | what's going on here?

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            THINGS HAVE BEEN great between Y/n and Tara. They've gotten closer as friends, Sam was pleased to hear that. Over a few months, Y/n had managed to get Mindy and Anika together and distracted Chad with Ethan, and now that just leaves Quinn Bailey. If she knew anything about her old friend it was the fact that she couldn't resist people sharing the same interests as her, that's what made people attractive in her eyes.

Good thing Y/n had some connections in this place. She talked around to a few people until she found the one for the job. He fit Quinn's vision of the perfect guy, his name was Louis. Yes exactly like Louis Tomlinson.

That worked out great for Quinn anyway.

"Okay, let's go over this one last time." She stated as she walked beside Louis, trying to make sure he truly understood what he was getting himself into. "My friend has a crush on you, you're gonna ask her out, talk to her about her favorite things, and you're gonna love her I promise." She explained for what felt like the hundredth time.

Louis nodded with understanding and then the two stopped at the front doors of the building they were standing in. "Are you sure this will work?" He asked with a slightly unsure tone. "I've liked her for a while now and I wouldn't want to fuck this up." He explained, now wanting to back out. Y/n looked at him with reassurance, she knew how he was feeling. She had felt that so many times in the past.

"Everything will go as planned, I promise."

He smiled at the reassurance and made his way outside. She let him get a ten-second head start before she walked outside. Once the cool breeze had hit her skin, she had begun the search for Tara. The next idea she had was to invite her to her apartment for the night. She wanted to give Sam some alone time with Danny, she felt like she needed the alone time. It would give her time to not focus on her sister all the time, Tara needed that break too.

Once she had spotted Tara, she walked toward her to find out she was alone. She knew that was her fault but she didn't think it would work this well. "I just saw Quinn talking to a guy," Y/n spoke to make herself known. Tara looked up at her and smiled, happy to not be alone. "She looked happy."

"Yeah, I'd give it a few weeks before they break up," Tara admitted and glanced in Quinn and Louis' direction. Y/n hadn't considered that at all when she had put this whole plan together, maybe this time would be different. "Shocked you're not busy right now." Now she was looking at Y/n, giving Y/n her full attention. She has no one or nothing else to keep it on anyway.

"I cleared my busy schedule to come to see you." She joked which caused Tara to laugh and sarcastically roll her eyes. Y/n laughed with her and then the two went to sit at their regular spot, under the tree. "Are you doing anything next week?" She questioned once she had stopped laughing.

"Depends, is there something you're thinking of asking me to do?" She asked, soon glancing at her and waiting for her to answer. Y/n nodded which then caused Tara to grin. "Then no, I'm not doing anything next week."

"There's this Halloween party at some frat house and I was wondering if you'd want to go with me."

"That sounds fun. Yeah, I'll go with you."

Y/n smiled happily at her friend and then they went on to talk about everything that Tara had brought up. Although she didn't understand half of it, she still listened and tried to show as much interest as she could.

She was that type of friend, real or not.

Once Y/n and Tara were done with classes for the day, they made their way back to Y/n's apartment. The same apartment she shared with her sister and her sister's boyfriend most weeks. At least that's how it felt to her.

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now