Chapter 4

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It was the morning of the day and everyone was having breakfast except for Keyleth and Y/n as the two hadn't shown up yet. Keyleth then walked in leaving flowers at the door.

Keyleth " [ smiling ] Good morning everyone. "

Everyone " [ Grumbles ] "

Vex " Why? "

Scanlan " Why is she yelling? "

Keyleth " Where is Y/n? "

Vax " We don't know. "

Vax then walks to sit down but before he did Grog punched him in the balls, Vex then dropped his food and fell onto the floor.

Grog " [ smiling ] Seven to two. "

Vax " [ groaning ] I never agreed to this stupid game! "

Percy " Must you? "

Scanlan " We can't all be aloof tight asses, De Rolo. "

Vex " Emotions aren't mean to be bottled up, maybe you should cut loose once in a while. "

They then all heard someone knocking on the front door, it was Allura. She came to speak to them but couldn't find them until she heard them in the kitchen. Vox machina tried to open the door but it was stuck until Grog kicks the door down and they all meet together.

Vax " Lady Allura. Welcome, hope you didn't feel the need to bring a house warming gift. "

Allura " I didn't alas I'm only here to remind you that sovereign Uriel expects you at his dinner. "

Vex " Oh shit that's tonight? "

Percy " [ smiling ] Finally a proper evening of protocol and civilised conversation. " 

Allura " It's more than a party, Dignitaries from across the realm to form a new security pact. We must put our best foot forward. "

Grog " Right ... which foot is that? "

Scanlan " [ to Pike ] Hey Pike, want to be my date? [ smiling ] I promise to be on my best worst behaviour. "

Pike " Oh I'm ok. "

Vax " Lady Allura, we appreciate the gravity of the situation and will present ourselves with the utmost dignity. "

Vax then punched Grog in the balls and Grog fell to the floor.

Grog " [ whimpering ] Yep good one seven to five. "

Keyleth " Five he was just on two. "

Scanlan " Oh yeah that was a three pointer, you see the rules of ball tag are ass complex as they are beautiful. "

Percy " I shall brief them on royal etiquette and manners. You have my word, nothing will go wrong. "

Grog then starts crying.

Allura then tried to leave but was stopped.

Vex " Lady Allura have you seen Y/n? "

Allura " No I haven't. "

Allura then left and then Vox machina heard and smelt something being cooked so they followed it to see Y/n cooking something and then he put what he was cooking on a plate and sat down. All of Vox machina saw that Y/n cooked this :

 All of Vox machina saw that Y/n cooked this :

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legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now