Chapter 18

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Y/n, Percy, Keyleth, Vax and Vex were walking through the fey realm trying to find the bow vestige while they were trying to find they saw some crazy shit like a what looked to be a mountain but was actually just a group of small rocks next to them making it look like it was a mountain, a bird being ate by a couple of plants and them finding themselves in the same place they just were even though they were walking.

Y/n " Alright hang on we've been walking in fucking circles for like five minutes. "

Percy " That's the fey realm for you. "

Y/n " Fuck it anyone got a compass or some shit. "

Percy " [ gives Y/n on ] Why? "

Y/n then opened the compass and then breathed into it but his breath was visible and blue, Y/n then closed the compass and it pointed forward but put a protective dome around everyone.

Y/n " The fey real shouldn't be able to fuck with us now I think. "

Vax " Ok then lets go. "

They then walked through a forest and were about to be attacked by plants but the forcefield from the compass stopped them.

Vex " Ok Percy do you know this realm? "

Percy " Yes. "

Y/n " Have you been here before? "

Percy " ... No. "

Kayleth " Well thanks for trying. "

Vax " We should probbaly try and find someone to guide us through this place then. "

Vex then flew off on the flying broom and then came back with a saytr and dropped him on the floor.

Vex " Who are you and why are you following us? "

Garmelie " A simple wanderer who enjoys a little entertainment you may call me Garmelie. "

Percy then sees the book Garmelie holding a book. 

Percy " What are you reading? "

Garmelie " Oh nothing I uh can't read. "

Vax " Oh that's [ takes the book ] curious. Keeping notes on us were you? "

Vax opens the book and sees whats inside but then closes it.

Y/n " Everything ok? "

Vax gives the book to Y/n and he opens it to see a drawing of Trixhea dominating Y/n, Y/n then closes the book and then opens it again looks at the drawing and then closes it again. Y/n then showed the others with Vex chuckling, Vax and Percy with their head in their hands and Keyleth blushing, then Trixhea's alchemy circle appeared and ripped the drawing out the book and took it. This caused Vex to laugh hysterically and Y/n was just staring daggers into Garmelie.

Garmile " Don't be angry art is subjective anyway I could guide you through this realm. "

Percy " Is that such a good idea? "

Y/n " Do we have any other plans on how to get through this hell? "

Everyone was silent.

Y/n " Lead the way then. "

Garmile then lead them to a lake but the water was flowing upwards.

Garmile " We need to go through here but be carful there are slimes here that are acidic. "

They started to walk through it and saw some slimes but they didn't attack them until one jumped onto the forcefield and it started to melt.

Y/n " Aww shit. "

Y/n clapped his hands together and held them in the air and his alchemy circle appeared and dropped boulders on the slimes, it crushed them but then they combined together into a bigger slime :

Y/n clapped his hands together and held them in the air and his alchemy circle appeared and dropped boulders on the slimes, it crushed them but then they combined together into a bigger slime :

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Y/n " I fucked up. "

Percy " It's an amalgamation try to break it apart. "

Percy then tries to use his new gauntlet but it doesn't work.

Percy " Fuck sake. "

Y/n then used his alchemy circle to shoot out Brimscythe's lightning at it but it then merged into the ground vanishing.

Vax " Did we scare it off? "

Then the slime ambushed the group from below, it sent everyone flying away from each other. Y/n then looked to see that it melted the compass, Y/n saw Vex and Keyleth get blasted away but some spores also saw Vax lead the slime away.

Y/n " Percy will your gauntlet thing work? "

Percy " Yes what are you thinking? "

Y/n " We give this thing a drink."

Percy nodded at Y/n and Y/n clapped his hands together and put them on behind him, his alchemy circle appeared and a high amount of water shot out. Percy then activated his gauntlet causing it to be enveloped in electricity he then put it in the water electrifying the water, the slime was hit with both water and electricity after a couple of seconds it died.

Y/n " [ sigh ] Finally wheres Vex and Keyleth? "

Vax walked over and pointed at them.

Vex " Ahh I feel like I have a hangover but without any of the fun. "

Keyleth " Not me I feel incredible like my mind connected to nature on a spiritual level. I get it now we're all just prisoners of our anxieties searching for connection in this ... this ... "

Keyleth tries to hold something in but she barfs out colours.

Keyleth " Oh man ... I can taste the colours. "

Y/n " That sounds awful. "

Garmelie " Now then lets go get shademurk. "

Garmelie then lead vox machina towards the bow vestige and as he did the screen turns black as this chapter ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 908

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now