Chapter 8

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Vox machina had escaped the prison that held Archibald and went to the resistance HQ, when they got there Y/n grabbed his chest in pain feeling another scale form on his chest. Y/n made sure that the others didn't see him in pain, he then heard that they were going to get Percy's sister. They then all ran to where she was being kept but Y/n was falling behind still in pain, Grog noticed this and picked Y/n up and carried him to the others. When both Grog and Y/n got there Grog placed Y/n down but no one saw it or questioned why Y/n was being carried.

Scanlan " I'm telling you I can do this with the stiff we got at Gilmores. "

Vax " Which you don't know what they do. "

Scanlan " Yes but I can still course a distraction because I'm annoying so let me be annoying. "

Vax and Vex look at each other and then nod at Scanlan, he then runs of to cause a distraction and after a while they see a burning building in the distance which made the guards run towards it. The others then go to the the building that Cassandra was in and Vax starts to look for traps.

Grog " Move out the way not everything is a trap you twit. "

Grog then kicked open the door and was immediately shot by arrows.

Vax " So it wasn't a trap? "

Grog got really angry and ripped the arrows out of himself.

Vex " They made a mistake. "

Grog " I would like to RAGE! "

Grog then charges at the archers and starts to brutally murder them, Vax started to stab them and Vex started to shoot them but Percy, Keyleth andY/n continued into the building trying to find Cassandra. Eventually they made it to a room to see Percy's old teacher holding Cassandra with a knife on her throat. 

Percy " Don't Professor Anders. "

Anders then cuts Cassandras throat she falls to the floor and Percy then chases after his teacher, Keyleth then tries to heal Cassandra and Y/n helps Percy. Eventually Keyleth healed Cassandra and the others met up with Percy and Y/n and then try to kill Anders.

Anders " I think It's time to get some reinforcements, protect me. "

Then multiple pieces of armor in the room came to life and tried to kill vox machina, Vax managed to find that the straps keep it together and if they are destroyed then the armor would fall apart.

Vax " Aim for the straps keeping them together. "

Percy then managed to shoot the straps of one piece of armor breaking it apart, Keyleth used her vines to break the straps and Vex shot them as well but Grog was having trouble.

Vax " Everything ok big guy? "

Grog " Yeah now leave. "

Vax " It's ok I got you. "

Vax then stabbed the straps and the armour fell apart.

Grog " I hate your face so much. "

Vox machina then turned to Anders and saw him smirking.

Anders " Hmm I need another pawn hmm its a good thing they say I have a silver tongue[ shows his silver tongue ], Giant follow my orders. "

Grog eyes then flash silver and he then turns to the others.

Grog and Anders " Kill vox machina! "

Grog then charges at vox machina and tries to kill them but they all move out the way.

Vax " Grog you idiot don't kill us kill Anders! "

Vex " He wont listen not until we get him out if the charm. [ turns to Keyleth ] You take low I've got high. " 

Vex and Keyleth charged at Grog and went to subdue him but he was to strong and knocked them away, Vax tried to stop Grog by putting him in a head lock but Grog threw Vax at Vex and Keyleth.

Anders " Kill Percy de rolo! "

The others eyes then flashed silver.

Vex, Vax, Keyleth " Kill Percy de rolo! "

They all started to walk to Percy.

Y/n " Percy shoot his mouth, no tongue no charm. "

Percy then emitted smoke and looked at Anders.

Anders " Don't worry Percy you will join the rest of your family but first I want you to know how you died and who did it to you... "

Grog, Vax, Vex and Keyleth " Your friends. "

 Y/n " This guy is getting on my nerves. "

Anders " Oh don't you worry Y/n the briarwoods will have you back. "

Percy " Well thanks for that cause you just gave me all the time I need. "

Percy's eyes turned black ans he shot a piece of armor from before, that ricocheted off it and then ricocheted off an axe and then hit Anders in the jaw ripping it off him face, this stopped the charm on the others and the sliver tongue tried to escape.

Vax " Now what? "

Vex " Get it. "

Grog, Vax, Vex and Keyleth tried to catch the tongue while Percy was walking to Anders while putting his mask on and Y/n looked to be in incredible pain, eventually Grog stabbed the tongue with an arrow killing it.

Grog " Got it. "

They then looked to Percy.

Percy " We trusted you. [ grabs Anders by the neck and holds him to a window] You were our teacher we would have done anything you asked. [ Percy then put his powderbox at the hole where Ander's jaw was and it glowed red with his Ander's name ] And you betrayed us when we needed you most, you're the face I saw when murder entered my heart. "

Keyleth " Guys the smoke. "

Vex " Y/n do what you did last time. "

Y/n " I can't. "

Percy then shot Anders killing him and sending him flying out the window, Percy then took of the mask and the smoke died out he then ran to Cassandra.

Percy " Cassandra are you ok? "

Cassandra " Percy I thought I'd never see you again. "

They then hugged and Y/n felt another scale appear.

Y/n * I can't let them now. *

Vex " Y/n why didn't you stop him? "

Y/n " I can no longer interfere when that happens, there's another reason that I can't share with you yet. "

Vox machina then left the building and saw Scanlan running towards them.

Grog " Scanlan I can't believe you actually pulled that off. "

Scanlan " [ huff, huff ] Horde. "

Grog " What? "

Scanlan " Horde. "

Vax " Yes we know you like whores. "

Scanlan " No a horde of zombies. "

 Everyone looked to see a horde of zombies approaching them.

Y/n " Ahh piss. "

As the Horde approached vox machina and Cassandra the screen then turns black as this chapter ends 

Author note : I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 1127

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now