Chapter 14

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Vox machina made it to a frozen lake looking for the first vestige.

Y/n " Are you sure she said it was here? "

Vax " Yeah but there are no temples or ruins. "

Pike " There's no illusion, did the sphinx lie to us? "

Vex " It must be across the lake then. "

Vex was about to walk across the ice but Vax stopped her.

Vax " Where do you think you're going? " 

Vex " We can still make it by nightfall. "

Y/n " If the vestiges are real then they wont be out in the open. "

Vax " He's right they wont be wrapped up like a present we'll need to be careful all of us. "

Scanlan " Don't worry I'll slide over and check out the area. "

Scanlan then used his magic to form a massive foot and he started to ski across the frozen lake he then fell over and everyone started to laugh.

Scanlan " Uh something just moved under the ice. "

Y/n " Scanlan get back here carefully. "

Scanlan " Its fine Y/n. "

A humanoid hand then breaks through the ice and drags Scanlan below into the water.

Y/n " Scanlan get out of there! "

Grog " Hold on, Scanlan. "

Grog stepped on the ice but it broke instantly Pike then lift him out the water, Percy then went to try but saw that it was too thin.

Percy " Shit Keyleth can you I don't know be a bird or something? "

Keyleth " What's a bird gonna do? "

Y/n then grew his dragon wings and flew to where Scanlan was and dove into the water, after a couple of seconds Scanlan was thrown out the water and Grog caught him.

Vax " Where's Y/n? "

Scanlan " He's fighting whatever the hell dragged me under. "

Then Y/n came out holding a hand from something he threw it back in the water and flew towards the others. He landed next to them and his wings went back into his back.

Y/n " What an ass. "

Scanlan " Thanks dude. "

Y/n " Its fine. "

Zahra " Well then I guess she was right. "

Vox machina then look to see Zahra and Kash.

Keyleth " Kash and Zahra what are you ... ? "

Kash " Osysa thought you might need our help it looks like she was right. "

Vax " [ sarcastic ] How generous. "

Vex " [ sarcastic ] Oh so generous. " 

Y/n * Fuck sake. *

Kash " Well at least antlers is happy to see me right? "

Keyleth " [ blushing ] Well yeah I mean ... "

Scanlan " What grabbed me? "

Zahra " Adaro fish people they hunt at dusk better wait till the morning to find the tomb. "

Vax " You know about the tomb? "

Zahra " Oh we're full of secrets which we'd be happy to share as soon as you make a campfire. "

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now