chapter 1

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"I'm soo done with you guys you guys kept me here against my will, I understood every little thing I even gave up my dreams, I gave up my anger ,no body ever handled my anger issues I always was left alone is it my fault that I was a girl....??? Is it my fault I was like this I wasn't weak but the expectations from you guys made me weak I tried...I tried myyy..... best ,yet you guys were never satisfied I cried every single day but you guys never noticed me crying...... I had cuts on my wrist but you guys never paid attention and yet you guys claim to love me yes I know you paid my fees you bought me things to study and I tried to understand your pov too but how can I keep on going when you never make an effort you guys don't even talk to me or ask me if there's anything worrying me.... And yes I love to study alot but whenever I wanted to go out you guys never allowed me too and you guys went together but never took me out with you....... I understood that too because the more hardwork I do now the less will I do later , you guys never gave me what I wanted ,it took atleast two months for me to convince you guys to agree to something ,I never said but I wanted to cryout loud, I wanted to speak but whenever I was hurt I choose to stay quiet I'm sorryyy but nooo I need time now i still can't process everything that's happening......... "

"I finally got the courage to say everything to them but I still have the pain in my heart I don't know how it'll goo I still have many things that are eating me from inside I just wish to go somewhere Linda (the only friend I have) "
"I'm glad that I have you with me , you know right I've tried too hard to reach to their expectations yet they think I don't love them and I never saw that coming how can they doubt me I've spent my whole life staying in the home and going to school how can I even call it a home it was a prison to me they never let me go out with friends I used to study for 17 hours ,exhausted, lost and still I kept going on I wanted to die many times but I wanted to do something in my life I wanted to someone , someone who's appreciated for what they're doing , someone who's taken as a role model , you know right I loved writing novels I loved reading novels and I stopped doing everything and focused on studying , what do you think I should doo now.......? "
Lindas pov~
"Ariana take a break and go have fun for once how long will you worry yourself with everything, it's not your fault it's their fault they failed to do their duty as a parent , should we just go to a different country or just go around the places here what do you think.....? "
(I've seen her worrying too much about her future whenever I used to go to her house to study she always studied and never did we talk about other topics I'm glad I have a friend like her she always tried her best to understand everything, I know it's hard to enjoy when you're hurting but I can't see her like this anymore)

Arianas pov~

"Heyyyyy linda thanks for making me feel loved (I hugged her tight she never left me alone we never talked about other topics but the connection I had with her it's beautiful ,I love her alot)
Okay so should we just go to different clubs, bars and anywhere, you suggest the places and we go there, we're going to enjoy this alot ,please don't leave me alone I can't imagine you leaving me alone

  Is the cab here yet....? How am I looking...? This is the only good dress I've got...., Should we go to shopping tomorrow.....? "
"Ohhh yesss the driver just messaged me he's waiting for us
You look soo prettyyy Arianaaaaa I can't believe it's you, you loooookkk like a freakinggg model
Ohh your dress is amazingggg I love it also did I tell you where we're going, we're going to this bar it's really good"

" You look soo gorgeous too lindaaa omggggg You're soo beautiful the red dress is soo good and you wearing it makes it the best also Linda can we dance there..??"

"I still can't believe we're going out together I can't wait to take you there and yesssssss we can dance their, your black dress looks soo good, I'm sure many people will fall for you......"

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