chapter 5

18 3 27

Ariana's pov~
(I heard Lucian call me from behind)
"No sorryy , sir I don't have time , my friend and I will be going out"

"Why would you call me sir...? , You got the job but , you're not working now, call me Lucian, love "

"Why do you always call me love...? , I'm not your love , I don't intend to be in love ,sir please respect other peoples choice "

"Heyy miss , listen to me call me sir or something else ,other than my name and face the consequences"

"Uhhh.... Okayyy Lucian , bye"

(I went to the cafe , and linda comes to pick me up)

"Hey baby, what position did you get..? ,And yess you look amazing your face is glowing and the happiness looks real "

"Yes Linda, I'm really happy , and thanks for staying with me on every step of my life, I got the position of P.A(personal assistant) , you've to join work on Monday right....???, Me too ,and,.....and....,the boss , he's literally a psychopath, he tells me not to call him sir but he yelled at me , to call him sir when I was giving interview , it was really confusing,I wanted to beat him up , he's annoying )

"Omg Ariana, I need to see him ,when I went up for interview, someone else took my interview, I already knew a girl from the company she told me the boss is very handsome ,ohh well what's his name...??, Let's search him up on internet, also girll I'm sorry he did that ,but maybe he likes you...?? , Did he say anything else...?, Tell me all about it"

"He's totally weird do you remember the guys we saw in the bar , the other one you told me was staring at me , he's the guy , the boss ,  he calls me love, and I totally hate him "

"Omg yes , I do remember him , well he's handsome, also you guys will look great together, gurll there's this party today , I told you about the girl right..? She organised a party and I'm invited also she told me , I could bring someone with me , and guess what...?"

"You're taking the guy..? , The one you left me for"

"Nooooooo, Ariana baby , I'm taking you with me, huh....."

"Heheheheh, I was kidding ,okay when's the party..?, Also hey Linda , can we go out tomorrow like maybe for a long drive , or to beach, or can we go to mountains? "

"The party starts at 8pm but we'll go at 9:30pm , also whatever you want Ariana , we can go anywhere you want to , we do whatever you want to"

"Why are we going there late..??"

"Because maybe the boss will be there at 8pm soo we better go late"

"Okieee, do you want to eat something, I can make it for you Linda, whatever I do for you is never gonna be enough you did soo much  for me, also could you tell me what work as a P.A I have to do "

"Can you make some pasta..?, actually I don't have much idea but as much as I know , you'll have to go with the boss like everywhere, make presentation, arrange meetings, do everything that boss says, and there's more "(she explained everything to me but, I was still nervous I am 24y/o but I feel I'm not mature enough,I still lack in many of the things ,I just hope that Lucian understand that I'm still a beginner, and give me time to get mixed with the environment)

"Yes , I can , we don't have pasta here though let me go and buy it , I'll be back "
"Do you want me to come with you....?"
"No, it's totally fine I'll just go get it"

(Why am I soo unlucky...??, Why do I get to see him everywhere, is he some crazy stalker..? , But I just arrived and he was here before me)

"Hey love , thinking about how hot do I look...? "
"Umm no sir, you've a very good confidence, but why would I think about you like that....?"

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